Robert De Niro the Latest Victim of Fake Bomb!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2018

This is so sick.

Everyone knows this is fake. People just pretend to believe it because it is politically beneficial for them to do so. Trump needs to just come out and say it’s fake.


A suspect package similar to those sent to CNN and senior Democrats has been sent to a New York restaurant owned by the actor Robert De Niro, US media say.

Citing police sources, NBC said a device had arrived at the Tribeca Grill early on Thursday local time.

If linked to previous packages, this would be the ninth explosive device sent to perceived critics of President Donald Trump this week.

De Niro is a vocal Trump opponent, and once called him “a national disaster”.

When the Oscar-winner criticised him at the Tony Awards in June, the president responded by calling De Niro a “very low IQ individual”.

Yes, yes. We get it. Orange man is responsible.

This is bomb number 9 and it didn’t explode either. And the FBI is refusing to say whether or not these are even real bombs. I have to believe that if there have been 9 of them and none of them have exploded then they are not real bombs.

But the FBI won’t say that they’re not real bombs, because this is an FBI conspiracy to undermine Donald Trump. Why else would they not say if the alleged bombs had explosive material in them? They haven’t figured it out yet?

Are you joking me?

The former President, several high-level officials and former officials get bombs in the mail and it takes the feds longer than 24 hours to figure out if they’re real bombs?

The AP claims a source leaked to them that the package sent to CNN was harmless:

A law enforcement official says tests have determined that a powder found inside an envelope delivered to CNN along with a pipe bomb was harmless.

The official wasn’t authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

If that one was harmless, then all the other ones presumably are too – they were all sent by the same person, clearly.

So why the hell hasn’t the FBI come out and said this on the record?

This is absurd.

The #MAGABomber hashtag is still going nuts.

These people think this is the winning ticket.

People need to be out there aggressively calling bullshit on this. Get on social media, get in comments sections, say this is fake.

Breitbart won’t say it.

We need to say it.

This is retarded.

Without even going into the logic that I laid out for why the FBI almost certainly must be complicit in this, just look at it: what are the chances of this happening right before the midterms?

This is a perfect, direct response to Trump calling them all a “mob.” That was working.

Furthermore, they were freaking out that they were playing into Trump’s hands by covering the caravans nonstop. CNN wrote about it – yesterday, hours before the packages showed up in the media.

Then, all of the sudden: news cycle dominated with scary Orange Man Bad story.

What are the statistical chances this is a coincidence?