Russia Defends Flynn from Vile Jew Attacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2017

This is a witch hunt.

General Flynn did nothing wrong.

Fox News:

A Russian official said Tuesday that the resignation of President Trump’s national security adviser may show early signs that the administration has been “infected” by anti-Russian feelings, Reuters reported.

Michael Flynn handed in his resignation late Monday night, conceding that he gave “incomplete information” about his calls with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.

“Either Trump has not gained the requisite independence and he is consequently being not unsuccessfully backed into a corner, or Russophobia has already infected the new administration also from top to bottom,” MP Konstantin Kosachev said, according to news reports out of the country.

Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the upper chamber of the Russian parliament, said in a post on Facebook that firing a national security adviser for his contacts with Russia is “not just paranoia but something even worse.”

Kosachev’s counterpart at the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, Alexei Pushkov, tweeted shortly after the announcement that “it was not Flynn who was targeted but relations with Russia.”

Trump named retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as the acting national security adviser. Kellogg had previously been appointed the National Security Council chief of staff and advised Trump during the campaign.

Trump is also considering former CIA Director David Petraeus and Vice Admiral Robert Harward, a U.S. Navy SEAL, for the post, according to a senior administration official.

The Trump team’s account of Flynn’s discussions with the Russian envoy changed repeatedly over several weeks, including the number of contacts, the dates of those contacts and ultimately, the content of the conversations.

It’s complete nonsense.

I feel as though Trump should not have backed down on this. Honestly, I hadn’t even been paying close attention to it, as it just seemed like more noise that wasn’t going to lead to anything.

It sends the wrong message to Russia, and more importantly, it sends the wrong message to the people – that we are going to respond to bullying.

I trust Trump, however, and I do have faith that there must have been very good reason for this decision. You have to choose your battles, and apparently, this was a battle he didn’t see worth fighting for reasons that we’re not aware of.