Russia Preparing to Stop Classifying Taliban as Terrorist Group

What did the Taliban even do?

It’s literally a normal government.

I guess Russia had a bad experience with them a while back. But that was before they were even the Taliban.

WION News:

Taliban will be removed from the list of banned terrorist organisations, three years after they returned to power in Afghanistan, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency said on Monday (May 27).

Moscow has for years encouraged relations with the Taliban, holding multiple rounds of talks and boosting trade with Afghanistan despite international sanctions.

“We’re taking the same approach as Kazakhstan and removing the Taliban from our list of terrorist groups,” RIA Novosti quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying.

Recently, Kazakhstan also removed the Taliban from its list of banned organisations.

While this move might strengthen diplomatic ties between Afghanistan and Russia, it doesn’t constitute formal recognition of the Taliban government, which they refer to as the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’.

The Taliban look like nice people to me

Taliban seized power in 2021 from a US-backed government. They have enforced an extreme form of Islamic law that effectively bans women from public life.

“They are the existent power. We are not indifferent to Afghanistan. And above all, our allies in Central Asia are not indifferent,” Lavrov said.

According to state media reports, Russia also invited Taliban representatives to its flagship Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Afghanistan is a normal country now, according to the entire Eastern Axis. It’s only the Americans who act like the Taliban are anything other than normal people, and it’s because Americans demand the twin terror of gay anal mania and women’s rights.

China and Russia don’t do the twin terrors, but they also have a policy of respecting cultures and not saying “well, if we trade with you, you’re going to have to conform to all of our very specific moral beliefs.”

Whatever your moral beliefs are – even if I agree with them – it is lunacy to claim that in order to be a trading partner you have to adopt a new moral framework. No one would think that makes sense, other than liberal lunatics who believe not only in a universal system of morality, but in their own ability to absolutely understand and efficiently enforce that system.