SABOTAGE! Cuck-Tier Fox News REFUSES to Run “Racist” Trump Caravan Ad

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2018

Fuck these neocon fagwads to hell.


The Fox News Channel has pulled a Trump-approved campaign advertisement about the migrant caravan marching towards the U.S. border after CNN and other left-wing media figures labeled it “racist.”

“Upon further review, Fox News pulled the ad yesterday and it will not appear on either Fox News Channel or Fox Business Network,” ad sales executive Marianne Gambelli told Mediaite.

NBC also said Monday that “after further review,” it will stop airing President Trump’s campaign advertisement that includes footage of Luis Bracamontes, a twice-deported immigrant from Mexico sentenced to death in California for killing two police officers.

They’re talking about this one:

Let this sink in for a moment. The conservative network is censoring the nationalist president of these United States and straight-up SABOTAGING his midterms effort.

Facebook is censoring the president as well:

Facebook also announced that the ad would be blocked from its paid promotion network, citing its policy against “sensational” content. “This ad violates Facebook’s advertising policy against sensational content so we are rejecting it,” Facebook told the Daily Beast. “While the video is allowed to be posted on Facebook, it cannot receive paid distribution.”

Donald Trump Jr. on Saturday criticized CNN for refusing to air the ad, tweeting: “CNN has made it abundantly clear in its editorial coverage that this ad is racist. When presented with an opportunity to be paid to take a version of this ad, we declined. Those are the facts.”

In an official statement, the Department of Homeland confirmed the basic premise of the ad — which is that there are dangerous individuals in the caravan. Nearly 300 migrants in the caravan are known convicts and gang members, including child sex abusers, Breitbart News’ Bob Price wrote over the weekend.

If the motherfucking POTUS can’t get his message out on social media or the MSM, it’s about time we had a national conversation about censorship. 

This is so blatant that it makes my blood boil.

Mr. President, you have to do something. Executive orders, investigations, Senate hearings, new regulations.

The whole 9 yards.

Who is the top dog in this country? The media or the president?

Why do a bunch of rich Jews get to gag the President of the most powerful nation on Earth?

What the fuck is going on here? 

Our country rn

This is insane.


A waking cyberpunk dystopia where “corporations (Jews) have more power than the government.”

If Trump doesn’t do something after the midterms, we need to sit down and have a serious talk about viable strategies going forward.

Because we are not far from the day when the POTUS’s own Twitter account gets censored. I would have told you that our enemies are not that stupid a day ago. This would make the censorship blatant if they chose a big target like Trump.

But then CNN, Fox and Facebook decided to ban one of Trump’s ads.

That means a Trump Twitter ban is also on the table, eventually. 

So yeah, here we are.

It feels like we’re in a pressure cooker. The censorship is getting so intense and the stakes are getting so high… who know happens next.