Salvini REFUSES to Cuck; Makes Pedo Pope Back Down Like the Bitch He Is!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2018

Every time I’m feeling down and Trump’s Twitter has been relatively silent, I immediately turn to my second favorite person on the planet: Salvini. You know, just to see what he’s up to.

Sure enough, he’s BTFOing some entitled niggers trying to get into the Italian heartland.

AND the Pope. Just for good measure.


Italy on Sunday disembarked all 150 migrants from a rescue ship that had been docked for five days in a Sicilian port, ending the migrants’ ordeal and a bitter stand-off between Rome’s anti-establishment government and its European Union partners.

The migrants, mainly from Eritrea, had been stranded in the port of Catania since Monday because the government refused to let them off the boat until other EU states agreed to take some of them in.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Albania had offered to accept 20 of the migrants and Ireland 20-25, while the rest would be housed by Italy’s Catholic Church “at zero cost” to the Italian taxpayer.

“The church has opened its heart and opened its wallet,” Salvini, from the right-wing League party, told supporters at a rally in Pinzolo in northern Italy on Saturday evening.


Salvini made the Pope blink. Told him, “cough up, you pedo. If you want these niggers so bad, you can have them!”

He was in Ireland at the time, apologizing for priests raping kids en masse under his watch. He looks more and more like a pedo himself every single day.

I wonder if the Vatican City will host these refugees. Probably not. They’ll doubtlessly send them to one of their countless properties, far far away from where they actually live.

Salvini, who has led a popular crackdown against immigration since the government took office in June, also announced that he had been placed under investigation by a Sicilian prosecutor for abuse of office, kidnapping and illegal arrest.

“Being investigated for defending the rights of Italians is a disgrace,” he said.

My boy Salvini loves a good fight. He doesn’t shy away from it. He tackles it head-on. Right here, right now, Salvini is in his element. They think that they’re encircling him, but really, they’re just making it easier for him to attack them from all directions!

He’s like a bull doing the thing with it’s front hoof and puffing steam out of its nostrils, about to skewer any punk who is in this way.

On Saturday, the United Nations called for reason from all sides after a meeting of envoys from 10 EU states in Brussels a day earlier failed to break the deadlock.

“Frightened people who may be in need of international protection should not be caught in the maelstrom of politics,” the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR said in a statement.

The agency appealed to EU member states to “urgently” offer relocation places to the rescued people, in line with an agreement at an EU summit in June, and in the meantime, urged Italy to allow “the immediate disembarkation of those on board.”

Rome had refused to back down, despite criticism from rights groups and the opposition, with Salvini saying he considered the attacks he received to be a “badge of honor.” 

It’s like all that wop machismo finally manifested into something more than talk in this man. He seems to have the northerner’s ability to get shit done AND the southron’s ability to talk smack and put on a grand show.

So now he’s facing investigation, just like Trump.

Waging lawfare is what our enemies like to do. Probably because they are a race of lawyers, and this is their home turf. Hopefully, Salvini’s got something up his sleeve for them yet.