Saudi Shooter’s Friends on the Run! Apparently, This was an Entire Terror Cell! WHOOPS!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2019

Just imagine it: nearly two decades after 911, we are still fighting multiple wars that were ostensibly “revenge wars” against totally unrelated countries after Saudi Arabians – who took flying lessons in Florida – flew planes into our buildings.

Meanwhile, we’re bringing over Saudi Arabians to take flight lessons in Florida.

And they’re doing terrorist attacks.

I typically am not a big fan of Jewish comedy. But on some cosmic level, this may well be the funniest thing that’s ever happened in all of human history.

Fox News:

Authorities investigating a deadly attack at a U.S. naval base in Florida are reportedly focused on finding several unaccounted for Saudi nationals linked to the shooting, as additional details have emerged about the shooter’s movements in the weeks leading up to the rampage.

The FBI’s Jacksonville office identified the shooter in a statement Saturday night as Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, and released a photo of him. Investigators said he was a 2nd Lt. in the Royal Saudi Air Force and was a student naval flight officer of Naval Aviation Schools Command when he opened fire Friday at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida before being shot dead.

In the days since the attack, a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity after being briefed by federal authorities told the Associated Press that a total of 10 Saudi students were being held on the base as of Saturday while several others were unaccounted for.

While officials have not publicly disclosed how many missing servicemen are out there, U.S. Northern Command (Northcom) has called for increased random security checks at all sites as authorities investigating the attack are still working to determine whether the shooting was an act of terrorism.

On Saturday, a U.S. official told the Associated Press that Alshamrani hosted a dinner party earlier in the week where he and three others watched videos of mass shootings.

The official who spoke Saturday said one of the three students who attended the dinner party hosted by the attacker recorded video outside the classroom building while the shooting was taking place on Friday. Two other Saudi students watched from a car, the official said.

Scott said Sunday that while Saudi Arabia has been an ally, “they have to step up here,” calling reports of the dinner party and viewing of mass shooting videos “disgusting.”

“The fact that the FBI has not been able to, the reports say, the FBI has not been able to talk to every airman. I mean, I can’t imagine that.” he said on “Fox & Friends.” “If the Saudi government is our ally our partner, they will make sure that there is full cooperation, not one airman needs to leave this country until the complete investigation.”

In the weeks leading up to the shooting, Alshamrani and the same three other Saudi military trainees made a visit to New York City where they went to several museums and Rockefeller Center, a person briefed on the investigation told the New York Times.

Federal investigators are now focused on whether the trip was an extended tourist trip during the Thanksgiving holiday week or if the group of Saudi trainees had other motives or were meeting with anyone else in New York, according to The Times. Of the 10 Saudi trainees reportedly detained, three of them are the ones from the dinner party who claimed they were only filming the shooting because they happened to be there at the time and wanted to capture the moment, the U.S. official told the New York Times.

A U.S. official on Friday told the AP the FBI was examining social media posts and investigating whether he acted alone or was connected to any broader group. The SITE Intelligence Group, a group that monitors jihadist media, said that Alshamrani posted to Twitter echoing sentiments from former Al Qaeda leader Usama Bin Laden.

A spokesperson for Twitter told Fox News in an email statement Saturday that the account was suspended but they declined to comment further as to when the manifesto was tweeted out. The FBI told Fox News it was aware of the anti-American Twitter post, but would not comment on whether they’re looking at it as part of the investigation.

In remarks at a gathering of top U.S. defense and military officials on Saturday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper was asked whether he could say definitively that the shooting was an act of terrorism.

“No, I can’t say it’s terrorism at this time,” he said, adding that the investigation needs to proceed. He declined to discuss details of the investigation so far.

In the wake of the deadly shooting, President Trump said Saturday that he would review policies governing foreign military training in the U.S but declined to say whether the shooting was terrorism-related.

Yeah, Orange Man stuck up for Mohammad bin Salman when he chopped up that journalist, who was himself a brown democracy fighter, so of course he’s not going to attack them for shooting our soldiers.

Our soldiers are just fuel for the ZOG machine, meant to die in service of the Jews. That dead journalist was a prince of human rights itself.

The U.S. has long had a robust training program for Saudis, providing assistance in the U.S. and in the kingdom. Currently, more than 850 Saudis are in the United States for various training activities. They are among more than 5,000 foreign students from 153 countries in the U.S. going through military training.

The Navy on Saturday identified the three victims of the NAS Pensacola shooting as Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, of Coffee, Ala.; Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, 19, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Airman Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, 21, of Richmond Hill, Ga.


Mohammed Sameh Haitham. Of St. Petersburg. Florida.

The other two guys were white.

Brave men who died doing what they loved.


This will probably all get covered up, because everything the Saudis do gets covered up, but it’s clear that these mujahideens were planning to do something bigger than this, and one of them just blew his load early. That’s why they would have gone to New York – to case the place and meet with other members of their cell.

It’s quite probable that this was a harebrained scheme right from the top – from Prince Salman himself.

He’s certainly been up to a lot of harebrained behavior since he took control of the country.

If not from him specifically, it pretty much had to have been planned by someone in the Saudi establishment. I mean, this guy is posting terror manifestos on social media.

Apparently, the US military either doesn’t do vetting or just trusts the Saudis to do it themselves. But the Saudis definitely keep track of these people.

There is just simply no way that someone didn’t give the okay to send a squad of terrorists over to train and presumably to commit a major attack in the US. Even if you think they’re just too stupid to do vetting, surely, the only way that multiple terrorists would have all been placed together would be if it was done purposefully. And these others are terrorists, or else they wouldn’t be on the run.

The were a cell. 

I don’t really even know what to say about this, other than to just describe what appears to have happened. It is all too ridiculous to give any commentary on.

Other than laughs.

The commentary is just “HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.”