Saxon Rebellion in Germany Turns Bloody After Antifa and Police Crackdown

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2018

Seems like the police are up to their old tricks – letting Antifa in to disrupt right-wing rallies and then stepping in afterwards to mop up and arrest anyone who defends themselves.


Disturbances were reported at the nearby 12th century landmark Roter Turm (Red Tower). According to police, several groups of people tried to break through police cordons and infiltrate the right-wing rally there. Some 300 people were arrested as police moved to prevent the skirmishes, it said in the report.

Eleven people were hospitalized following the violence, the city authorities reported.

Overall, 25 offences of various nature, such as damage to property, inflicting injuries, resisting police and using banned insignia, have been reported by police. In an incident that took place outside demonstration venues, a 20-year-old Afghan man was attacked and beaten by four unknown perpetrators. The victim suffered minor injuries.

The counter-demonstration was supported by Germany’s mainstream parties, including Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens and the Left Party. As SPD MP Soren Bartol and his entourage were on their way to leave the rally, they were attacked by what Bartol described on Twitter as Nazis. The lawmaker said that attackers destroyed the party’s flags and inflicted bodily harm on some of his associates. None of the injuries were serious, however.

The protests went into the night.

Now I know what you’re thinking. These far-right protestors are total cucks, right? Not a single Nazi flag!

No, but seriously. If the Germans can resist the urge to fly the swastika flag… well, perhaps we should learn a few lessons from them.

Good optics, all around. Even from the hooligan contingent.

This all came off as normal and authentically German. And because of that, there’s still momentum going for the Chemnitz protestors.

Ten thousand people is an impressive showing. I’m going to avoid making fun of the Germans for now. Well, at least the East Germans. Clearly, they’ve still got some fight and a little bit of political knowhow to pull something like this off.

I’ve always said that if something is going to go down to save Germany, it is the poorer, coarser and more Sovietized East Germans that were going to pull it off. After all, the Soviets reinstated many Nazis and put them in charge of East Germany. In the West, the Nazis got hunted down and millions of Germans were basically deliberately starved to death. And of course, they didn’t get the poz pumped into their heads as badly as the Westerners.

Funny enough, I’ve been reading up on the German divide, and it turns out that the Soviets never wanted to split Germany up, and that the Berlin Wall came up as a way to prevent West Germans from buying out East German goods when the US and UK decided to change the Reichsmark to the Deutschmark and there was a run to buy whatever they could with old Reichsmarks.

The more I read, the more I learn that everything I was taught about world history is a lie.

That wall may end up being the saving grace of Germany. It ended up keeping the East safe, under permafrost, and now it seems that the thaw is coming.