School Teacher Investigated for Moonlighting as a Nazi Pro Wrestler

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2018

A school teacher named Kevin Bean who moonlights as a Nazi pro wrestler might lose his job. All this because of politically correct societal norms enforced on us by evil kikes.

Professional wrestling really sucks these days. Political correctness and feminist garbage have ruined the industry. It’s gotten so bad that it probably warrants an entirely separate article analyzing the situation.

One of the things that was great about professional wrestling is that many of the old gimmicks were politically incorrect. This type of formula still exists in some independent wrestling circles although it is becoming less and less common everywhere in the industry.

And that leads us to this story which has captured national media attention. There’s a Pennsylvania school teacher named Kevin Bean who spends his spare time moonlighting as a professional wrestler. His gimmick is that of a Nazi named “Blitzkrieg” otherwise known as the “German Juggernaut.”

Some faggot named Ryan Satin who covers the wrestling industry bitched about this awesome gimmick on Twitter.

And why would anybody bash such an awesome gimmick? These tweets from Satin definitively answer that question.

Even though the entire professional wrestling business has been fully exposed as choreographed entertainment, Satin is acting like this guy is a real Nazi who wants to stuff Jews into a wooden shower room gas chamber. He’s undoubtedly scared at the fact that the Nazi wrestler who is being booked as a heel is getting cheered by the audience. There were even children with signs saying how awesome Blitzkrieg was!

Satin’s tweet got picked up by larger media organizations which eventually led to them tracking down where Bean worked. Since everybody is afraid of anything that is the least bit politically incorrect, the school immediately launched an investigation into his wrestling activities.

NY Post:

A veteran teacher in Pennsylvania is under investigation after being exposed as an amateur wrestler who uses Nazi salutes while performing under the stage name “Blitzkrieg the German Juggernaut.”

Kevin Bean, a 36-year-old teacher at Spring-Ford Intermediate School, moonlights as anti-Semitic heel for the World Wide Wrestling Alliance, usually waving a German Iron Cross flag and making Nazi salutes while entering the ring, The Blast reported Friday.

But Dino Sanna, the organization’s owner, told the website that Bean’s shtick is merely a “gimmick,” claiming that he’s not a “hateful person” but rather a religious man whose students turn out in droves to support him.

“Everyone has a gimmick, it’s wrestling,” Sanna told the website, adding that he’s never received a complaint about the wrestler.

School officials, however, second-guessed their association with Bean after a wrestling website, Pro Wrestling Sheet, tweeted a video of him entering an arena as his character, Blitzkrieg.

“Watching the guy do nazi salutes on his way to the ring sheer him on like a good guy is terrifying,” the website’s founder, Ryan Satin, tweeted last week.

In a statement to The Post, school officials confirmed early Tuesday that they’re aware of the video and that an internal investigation was ongoing.

“The actions portrayed in this video do not represent the core values of the school district,” the statement read. “As an educational organization, we pride ourselves in providing a safe and nurturing learning environment.”

These school officials must be retarded. They don’t seem to understand that he is playing the role of a character. There is literally nothing to investigate.

Everybody has gone insane thanks to all this political correctness that has been jammed down our throats by Jews.

What ever happened to the good old days when it was common to see Nazi wrestlers like the Stormtrooper? That man was an absolutely vicious competitor. He even got disqualified from a match for hanging his opponent with a noose. Weird that he had a black bodyguard though.

Whatever the case, it will be an absolute travesty if the school fires Bean from his job. If they fire him, he should sue the shit out of them for wrongful termination.