Self-Help Sunday: Fashion is Not a “Sense,” It is a Science

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2018


NOTE: If you are over 40, please do not bother reading this article at all, let alone responding to it. This is an article for young men who want to be attractive to women and present themselves well in college, in social networking situations, and in the professional world. I am not trying to lecture old people who have been doing the same thing their entire lives about how they should change with the times. Just so, if you live on a farm or in a village or something, then whatever. Wear bellbottoms and work boots if that's working for you. This is intended for the majority readership, which is young men who live in an urban or semi-urban western environment.

Now that we’ve settled the issue of women, and everyone understands that they are not human and deserve to be locked in cages, there are two major issues of contention between me and the DS readership:

  1. Whether or not people should be picking up free pit bulls puppies from Craigslist and drowning them in buckets
  2. Whether or not it is valid for a person to have an opinion on what is fashionable

We’ve got a lot of work to do on the first thing, but today I want to talk about the second.

First thing first:

Fashion is not a matter of opinion, it is not a “sense,” it is a science.

Second thing second: 

If you view the clothes you wear as a means of expressing your personal identity, you are experiencing a crisis of masculinity. And you are anti-social.

If I present a factual statement about the unfashionableness of “straight legged” bellbottom jeans, and you say “that is your opinion” and you continue to wear bellbottoms, it is absolutely no different than if I say “gravity means that if you jump off a ten story building, you will fall to the ground and die” and you say “that is your opinion” and jump off.

You see, there is something called A/B testing. This is an application of statistical hypothesis testing, which generally is used in reference to testing the appealability efficiency of electronic applications, but it is easier to use the metaphor of A/B testing than to attempt to explain the latter more complex concept in this context.


In web analytics, A/B testing (bucket tests or split-run testing) is a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes application of statistical hypothesis testing or “two-sample hypothesis testing” as used in the field of statistics.A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject’s response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective.

As the name implies, two versions (A and B) are compared, which are identical except for one variation that might affect a user’s behavior. Version A might be the currently used version (control), while version B is modified in some respect (treatment). For instance, on an e-commerce website the purchase funnel is typically a good candidate for A/B testing, as even marginal improvements in drop-off rates can represent a significant gain in sales.

A/B testing has been marketed by some as a change in philosophy and business strategy in certain niches, though the approach is identical to a between-subjects design, which is commonly used in a variety of research traditions. A/B testing as a philosophy of web development brings the field into line with a broader movement toward evidence-based practice. The benefits of A/B testing are considered to be that it can be performed continuously on almost anything, especially since most marketing automation software now typically comes with the ability to run A/B tests on an ongoing basis.

Here is a graph for you.

Hopefully, it is easily understood how this can be applied to fashion.

The main people who have done this are Pick-Up Artists.

They have tried different forms of clothing, gone out and approached random women wearing the different clothing, and determined which go the better response.

Because yes, a woman looks at your clothing at least as much as she looks at your physique, as a way to rate your sexual marketplace value. (Though she looks at neither as much as she looks at your height, and being 5’7″, I presumably had more reason to learn this than you did.)

Now obviously, this is not a perfectly developed science, as the people performing the testing are not scientists, there is no university with a department devoted to the study of it, scientific papers are not being produced analyzing the results of variant fashion effects on women.

Furthermore, what is fashionable changes, meaning that it could never be as an exact a science as the study of the unchanging variables of physics and chemistry.

That said, it is nonetheless a real science (unlike psychology or other fake Jewish “social sciences”), in that it fits the definition of science, in that it follows the 5 steps of the scientific method:

To be clear:

  1. Question: Do women find men more desirable in fitted jeans or straight-legged bellbottoms?
  2. Hypothesis: Women find men more attractive in fitted jeans than in straight-legged bellbottoms.
  3. Experiment: Wear the same shirt, shoes, hairstyle, etc. with bellbottoms, approach 100 attractive women and attempt to get their phone numbers. Then change to fitted jeans, approach 100 more attractive women and attempt to get phone numbers (using the same approach methodology, same area, same time of day, etc.).
  4. Data analysis: Which pair of jeans produced the most phone numbers? The fitted jeans.
  5. Conclusion: Fitted jeans are considered more attractive to women as they signal higher sexual marketplace value.

So this is science.

Cultural Variables are Many

Obviously, there are a potentially infinite number of cultural variables. As a simple example, men wearing gold chains is generally considered attractive in Slavic and possibly Southern European countries, but it is generally considered gaudy or perhaps even ridiculous in the Anglosphere.

Furthermore, as mentioned above, culture changes constantly, meaning that something may be considered attractive for a period of time, and quickly become unattractive.

However, both of these factors can be mitigated by simply sticking to stable mainstays of the current era of fashion, and not pursuing any “fashion of the minute” or attempting to accent the basics of fashion in a manner that is overly complex. A second reason not to do that is that it becomes a little bit gay, and is very time-consuming. Furthermore, giving the impression of being the type of man who attempts to keep up with the “bleeding edge” of fashion trends introduces a variable in itself which may or may not be positive.

So the rule should be: stick to basics that are tried and true. These do indeed change, but they change over periods of decades, not over periods of months.

Do not be a trend-chaser. 

For the most part, every Western urban environment has the same standards of clothing.

Hard Fact of Male Perception of Another Man’s Clothing

Above, I talked about women’s perception of a man’s fashion sense. And clearly, that is something that should be important, but more important is the way that other men perceive your fashion sense.

Thankfully, there is a very simple underlying reality here: because men will naturally, due to biological drives, think first about what is attractive to women, women are the ultimate determiners of what is fashionable for men. Other men will pick up on whether or not you are dressed in a way that is attractive to women, and approve of you if you are.

Certainly, there are certain exceptions to that rule. An obvious one is the skinny jeans phenomenon. However, this was an above mentioned “bleeding edge” fashion trend, which lasted only a short period of time, and was used by a very specific type of man to appeal to a very specific type of woman in a specific social circle. And it may not have ever been attractive to women at all, but rather a weird method of numales signaling to other numales, in the way that soybeards and comic book tshirts are a way for soyboys to signal to other soyboys.

Regardless, the general rule that men respect men who are attractive to women remains true. And you all know this for a fact from your own experiences after having heard me say it. And that is the core driving factor of men’s fashion.

Situational Appropriateness

This should go without saying, but I will just assume it doesn’t, for the sake of being thorough: there are different types of fashion which are appropriate for different situations.

Your own wardrobe should be based on the variant situations your life requires. In my own situation, I do not require much more than casual day clothing (fitted dark jeans, high-quality black leather belt, fitted blank t-shirts that are either black or dark blue, AirMax 90s which can be switched for leather shoes in certain cases), gym clothing, and a simple white button-up shirt and leather shoes for slightly less casual meetings. I do not currently own a suit, because in our current milieu, “business casual” is socially appropriate for any business meeting I attend. I will occasionally wear a straight black tie.

All of this (sans the Nikes) can be bought at H&M or Zara very cheaply. We live in an age where looking good is not expensive.

If you are in an environment where you are required by social convention to wear a suit, you need to know what you are doing.

You are Not Your Clothing

Wearing fashionable clothing is simply a standard social behavior, in the same way that maintaining proper grooming and bodily hygiene is a standard social behavior.

I understand that white males have a drive toward individualism, and that this, combined with a consumer culture, leads them to want to express their individuality with clothing. However, if you engage in this, you are being duped, and you are engaging in the Jewish system of consumerism.

And here’s the thing: even if you attempt to make your statement about your individuality by refusing to wear normal, fashionable clothing, you are still engaging in this consumer culture mind-warp program by actively acknowledging it. The default position is to wear what is considered socially appropriate in your culture.

A lot of Neon-Nazis want to dress in such a way as to express militancy, and while I understand the drive, I am strongly opposed to the core concept. All you are doing by doing this is engaging in the same process of defining your individuality by your clothing. This is always a negative phenomenon. It is always vapid and anti-social.

The Clothes Themselves

Here I am mainly laying down the reality of fashion as science and the importance of it in being a normal, social human being, and in the future I will use this as a starting point to go into further detail about specific items of clothing.

However, the basic rule, which is particularly difficult for Americans to understand, is to wear clothing that fits.

Some quick things:

  • Baggy clothing is never appropriate. There is no worse look than a baggy t-shirt with writing on it and baggy jeans. Dress pants and suits should also be fitted.
  • Do not wear t-shirts with labels or writing on them.
  • Do not wear hats (unless it is a MAGA hat at a political event or somewhere where you are trying to trigger people)
  • If you have hair, you need to get it cut three times a month by a professional barber. If you have a receding hairline or simply prefer not to have hair, trim it every other day with an electric razor on a “1” setting. Unless you are completely bald, in which case you can use a “0.”
  • Do not wear long hippie hair (unless you are Azzmador, which only one of you is).
  • Shorts are only appropriate for the gym or the beach, as a rule, though wearing certain shorts in the summer can be done (with normal white sneaker only) while you are out running errands or having coffee in the daytime). Shorts should never be worn to any college or workplace.
  • The v-neck v. crew neck t-shirt question is ongoing, most experts prefer v-neck. However, if you are going to wear a v-neck, you do not want hair sticking out of it. You do not have to fully shave your chest, but the hairs should be trimmed to about an 8th of an inch.
  • If you are excessively hairy, particularly if that hair is dark, you need to trim all of your body hair (this is also a practical matter for the gym, where excessive hair can cover your progress and make it unclear which areas you need to work on).
  • Don’t get tattoos. If you have them, it is what it is (I have them), but if you don’t, don’t do it.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: You should always look normal.

SECOND MOST IMPORTANTLY: This advice is for skinny, fit or athletic men. If you are fat, most of this information is irrelevant, as it is virtually impossible for you to look good in any situation. This is just reality. If you are fat, you need to deal with that problem.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Go on /fa/ and lurk a while. There is a lot of trendy-trendy stuff there, which I do not approve of, but they are also very, very good on basics. You can also post pictures of your own clothing (no dox plz), and ask for critique. Don’t be shy.

Your Dad Should Have Taught You All This

But he probably didn’t.

It is a very important part of being a man. It is superficial, but it is necessary.

I want you all to be successful – with women, with work, with life – and not looking like a slob is a prerequisite of that.