Sesame Street Theme Park Sued for $25 Million Because Mascot Ignored Black Kids

Everyone is afraid of interacting with black people now for fear of being called racist and being accused of some kind of crime.

Well, not interacting with black people is also racist and is a crime now.

NBC News:

A Maryland father accused SeaWorld of “pervasive and appalling” discrimination at its Sesame Street-themed park in Philadelphia in a federal lawsuit Wednesday, days after a viral video appeared to show a person dressed as the character Rosita ignoring two Black girls at the park.

The suit, filed in Pennsylvania’s Eastern District Court, seeks class-action status, alleging that when the plaintiff, Quinton Burns, took his child to the park on June 18, they tried to participate in a “Meet and Greet” with people dressed as Elmo, Ernie, Telly Monster and Abby Cadabby.

The suit accuses the characters of “intentionally” refusing to engage with the child ⁠— who is identified in the suit only as K.B. ⁠— and ignoring other Black guests while performing for white people.

“Racism is horrible when it’s perpetrated against adults, but it’s in a separate category altogether of horror when it’s perpetrated against kids,” William Murphy, a lawyer representing the family, told reporters Wednesday, according to NBC Philadelphia.

The suit seeks $25 million in damages from SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, which owns Sesame Place Philadelphia. The plaintiffs also want the park to implement mandatory cultural sensitivity training and classes on the history of discrimination.

Black people are just going to have to make up their minds.

Do they want to be a part of white society or not?

Whites have been open to both “yes” and “no” answers. Both options are available from both right and left perspectives. But it has to be one or the other.

Of course, it’s rhetorical to say “black people should make up their minds.”

Black people will go along with literally anything. Black people were fine being slaves – the abolitionist movement had virtually no blacks involved (despite the fact that it was a northern movement where there wasn’t any slavery), and actual slaves seemed fine with the arrangement, given that revolts were so rare.

They were also fine with segregation.

Watch this video. See the black guy’s smile. He’s obviously uncomfortable on some level, being on camera, and probably with the idea that someone from outside was coming in to question the authority of the local whites and trying to get him to go along with something. But the smile is genuine. He’s not some kind of hostage.

And then, black people were fine rioting and screaming kill whitey. They were making that same smile.

Black people will literally just go along with anything. It’s not really more complicated than that.

You really do just have to blame the Jews for this problem with the blacks.

Whites gave up authority over blacks, seeking some weird vision of a multi-colored society, and so Jews took control and started using the blacks for their own purposes. The blacks themselves are not really relevant at all. They will just agree with anything. Part of that is that they have very low happiness and self-confidence thresholds. They can feel happy and proud of themselves after having done little or nothing.

There are lots of different studies you can look into about why blacks will go along with anything and feel happy about it, but the easiest thing is just to look at the way they never try to pick themselves up at all, and even when they have a lot of money, don’t use it on life improvements, but instead waste it on status symbols. Their brains literally have a lower dopamine threshold. The funniest example is in the studies about black women being fatter than white women but also believing they are thinner and healthier and being happy with their bodies.

“What is the agenda of the blacks?” is a meaningless, stupid question. Their native agenda is primarily just to hang around.

This video was funny, and the last part is very prescient.