Sexist, Racist, Homophobic Puerto Rican Governor Finally Steps Down

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2019

Imagine someone being sexist, racist and homophobic in current year.

Shaking my damn head.


Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló announced his resignation amid a scandal over sexist, homophobic and otherwise offensive text messages he and his inner circle exchanged. The leaked texts set off mass demonstrations and widespread calls for his departure.

“I was willing to face any challenge, fully understanding that I would prevail against any accusation or process,” Rosselló, a Democrat who was elected in 2016, said late Wednesday.

Earlier this week, he had promised not to seek a second term, but he acknowledged that he had “heard the demand of the people.”

“I hope this decision serves as a call to citizen reconciliation,” he added.

Rosselló will officially step down on Aug. 2.

His resignation comes after nearly two weeks of street protests, including hundreds of thousands of people on Monday who shut down an 11-lane highway in San Juan.

Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez, an official who protesters say is tainted by her ties to the governor, is expected to replace Rosselló. The job would have fallen to the territory’s secretary of state — but Luis Rivera Marín resigned from that position earlier this month in the wake of the scandal.

Justice, at last.

Who knew Puerto Ricans cared so much about sexism, racism and homophobia?

Maybe they truly are ready to become real Americans.

For that is what it means to be American: to whine about sexism, racism and homophobia.

Those are truly our values.

For those who missed it, the texts are truly shocking.

Truly, they shook me to my core.


Nearly 900 pages of exchanges leaked and published by The Center for Investigative Journalism showed inflammatory remarks in a group text between Rossello and his inner circle. In the texts, Rossello spews hate about NYC Councilor Melissa Mark-Viverito, calling her a “wh-re,” and describes another female politician as “daughter of a b-tch.” In one text thread about the management of Puerto Rico’s financial crisis, Rossello wrote, “Dear oversight board, go f— yourself” followed by several of middle finger emojis. In another conversation, Puerto Rico’s former chief fiscal officer Christian Sobrino Vega expressed frustration with San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz and said he wanted to shoot her.

“You’d be doing me a grand favor,” Rossello responded.

In one particularly unsettling exchange, Rossello made fun of the victims of Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island in 2017, killing more than 3,000 people. Sobrino Vega, the former chief financial officer, made a joke about the number of bodies in the aftermath of Maria. Rossello responded, “Now that we are on the subject, don’t we have some cadavers to feed our crows?”

“Nothing says patriarchal oppression like Ricky Martin,” he wrote.”Ricky Martin is such a male chauvinist that he f—s men because women don’t measure up. Pure patriarchy.”

Martin has called for Rossello’s immediate resignation and has been a vocal leader in Puerto Rico’s protests.

“They mocked our dead, they mocked women, they mocked the LGBT community, they made fun of people with physical and mental disabilities, they made fun of obesity. It’s enough. This cannot be,” Martin said in a video on Twitter.

How dare he say that about Ricky?

How absolutely dare he?