Shocking Knife Rampage in Paris Labeled Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2018

You know the real cause of terrorism, don’t you goy?



French authorities are treating Saturday night’s stabbing in Paris, which left one person dead, as a terrorist attack, the Paris prosecutor has said. He cited witnesses who said that the attacker shouted “Allahu akbar.”

Several witnesses earlier told media outlets that they heard the assailant shouting “Allahu Akbar” as he was stabbing passersby and attempted to storm into a restaurant near the Opera House in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, where the rampage took place on Saturday evening.

Paris prosecutor François Molins said that the anti-terrorist section of the Paris prosecutor’s office was dealing with the attack.

“At this stage, on the basis of testimonies mentioning the fact that the aggressor shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ when attacking passersby with a knife, given the modus operandi, we dispatched the anti-terrorist section of the prosecutor’s office,” he said.

French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to link the stabbing attack to the terrorism-related tragedies that have hit France in the recent years.

“France once again paid the price of blood but did not give an inch to the enemies of freedom,” Macron wrote on Twitter in the wake of the attack.

It’s looking like they gave several inches of blood…

These statements of “terrorism won’t defeat us” are becoming increasingly bizarre, if not outright incomprehensible.

What exactly is not succeeding about these terrorist attacks?

If the immediate goal here was to stab a bunch of people, then that was a success.

If the longer term goal of terrorism generally is to create a climate of fear, that is also obviously a resounding success.

If the goal is the one claimed by European authorities – to take our freedoms – then that is also a resounding success as all Western European countries are surveillance states in states of emergency with military and/or military police on the streets.

The only stated potential goal of terrorism that the European authorities have claimed exists that hasn’t succeeded is to make Europeans hate Moslems. However, the idea that the goal of Moslem terrorism is to make Europeans hate the ostensibly peaceful Moslems gets so convoluted upon examination that it just can’t be taken seriously.

The claim is: terrorists want to create tension between peaceful Moslems and Europeans by making Europeans think all Moslems are violent. But if the ultimate goal of terrorists is Islamic conquest of Europe, then there is no benefit to that.

It’s the Islamic sandwich to have massive numbers of “peaceful” Moslems flooding in and breeding like rats while others commit terrorism to population afraid to question Islam or confront the invasion.

And it’s all working, going right according to schedule.