Shockingly, A Witness at Amber Guyger Trial Getting Killed Days After Trial was Just a Coincidence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2019

This week, AOC called Donald Trump anti-Semitic and the Breitbart comments section was shocked to find out he was in fact one of God’s precious chosen.

Also this week, a former neighbor of the black man killed by Amber Guyger, a witness at the trial, was killed immediately following the trial. The Breitbart comments section thought it must be related to the trial.

Of course it wasn’t related to the trial. It’s just related to the fact that black people kill each other all the time.

NBC News:

Three suspects have been identified in the murder of Joshua Brown, a key witness in the murder trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger.

Jacquerious Mitchell, 20; Michael Mitchell, 32; and Thaddeous Green, 22, traveled from Alexandria, Louisiana, to purchase drugs from Brown in the parking lot of a Dallas apartment complex, according to authorities.

Jacquerious Mitchell is in custody at a hospital and the other two suspects are being sought, Dallas Assistant Police Chief Avery Moore said at a news conference Tuesday. The two fugitives are believed to be armed and dangerous, he said.

Jacquerious Mitchell told police Green got into a physical altercation with Brown and that Green shot Brown twice in the lower body, Moore said.

Brown then allegedly shot Jacquerious Mitchell in his chest. Jacquerious Mitchell fell back into a car and said he heard two gunshots, Moore said. Green took Brown’s backpack and the gun used to shoot Jacquerious Mitchell and the three suspects fled the scene, Moore said.

The suspects dropped Jacquerious Mitchell off at a hospital, the assistant police chief said, adding that warrants will be executed for the two other suspects.

Michael Mitchell is the suspected getaway driver.

Police confiscated 12 pounds of marijuana, 149 grams of THC cartridges and $4,157 in cash from Brown’s apartment, Moore said.

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson asked the public in a tweet over the weekend to “refrain from speculation” about Brown’s shooting.

Yes. You never want to speculate about a motive for anything black people do, because the motive is almost always “being black.”

The fact that a random black neighbor of a random black guy happened to get killed in a “drug deal gone wrong” on any particular day is a lesser coincidence than most of the scenarios described in Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic.”

But the Breitbart comments section, which is Trump’s base, found this to be a surprise.

My point here is, we should not forget how many people on the MAGA train still don’t know some really, really basic redpill facts – such as the fact that all of the people attacking Donald Trump are Jews or that black Americans have the highest murder rate of any group of people on earth. Which means that there are still a large group of people for us to continue to draw new supporters from.

We shouldn’t do something idiotic or insane, such as trying to recruit people to our cause from the Bernie Bros or from the fanbase of Chappo’s Traphouse.

It’s an interesting thing to try, I guess, a kind of silly seeming novel idea. But if you did that for say, two years, and it resulted in precisely zero people coming over to the right wing, and then you kept doing it, you would look retarded or more likely malicious. You might even look like you were trying to convert right-wingers into leftists instead of the other way around. People would think that was really kind of weird.

So I wouldn’t do that unless you were maybe planning to use it as a part of an insanity plea in family court.

Otherwise, I think we need to focus on the agenda of bringing new people into our way of thought from the obvious base that we have, which is Trump voters who are becoming disillusioned as they see that even this guy wasn’t able to do anything to change the system – but sure did seem to be able to do a lot for Israel.

Just stay positive, stay focused, don’t listen to weird people, don’t get involved in weird shit.

We got this.

Stay normal, kids, and we got this.