SHOWDOWN! Based South African Farmer Says He’s Willing to Fight for His Land

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2018

Man, I kind of wish I had a subscription to Financial Times. They seem to have some fresh stories. Anyways, these guys at “The Goldwater” do a pretty good job of summarizing paywall stuff, so yeah, let’s see what they have to say.

The Goldwater:

AfriForum, the political group representing South Africa’s white Afrikaner minority released a list of what it claims are 190 farms that the government is targeting for immediate seizure.

Still on top of that list is the farm of Mr Johan Steenkamp who became world news last week after his hunting lodge was set to become the first expropriation of South African President Ramaphosa’s racially charged issue of ‘land re-distribution’.

Although the South African government’s Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has denied the validity of the list, Mr Steenkamp showed the world press the letter he received from the South African authorities informing him of their wish to ‘hand over the keys’.

Mr Steenkamp gave an all-telling interview over the weekend, stating: “If it comes to a fight so be it, I am not going to leave the country and I am not going to leave my farm.” 


And considering that this is a wildlife preserve, I bet this guy is armed to the teeth.

He should start accepting armed volunteers on his preserve.

Let’s start the race war there. 

Also, there’s some cosmic realignment going on this week.

Everything’s looking up. White people resisting the Judeo-Globo-Homo-Negro Industrial complex all around the world.

Noice. Very noice.