Sick Kikes Create Sick Drug That Makes Sick Men Lactate

Daily Stormer
February 14, 2018

“Look goyim, we’re fixing the world! Tikkun Olam FTW!”

Every time I think the Kikes can’t make me hate them more, they pull a stunt like this…

Seriously, I don’t understand the holohoax thing anymore.

Even if people thought it really happened – how could anyone look at these creatures and think they don’t deserve the very worst that can happen to them?


As the world rang in a new year on Jan. 1, two medical professionals quietly announced they had made what was once an impossible dream a clinical reality. Thanks to the work on induced lactation in transgender women by Dr. Tamar Reisman and nurse practitioner and program manager Zil Goldstein at the Mt. Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery, a transgender mother was not only able to breastfeed her child, but to be the baby’s exclusive food source for its first six weeks of life. This is incredible news for families. As Reisman tells Romper by email, creating a standard of care that supports breastfeeding in transgender mothers is key to ” building happy, healthy, transgender families.”

Isn’t it amazing how Jews keep dragging us to a better world, despite us repeatedly trying to gas them throughout history?

Such selfless people, aren’t they?

While trans women have experimented for years with methods to induce lactation, usually using drugs like domperidone on a DIY basis, Reisman and Goldstein’s case report, published in Transgender Health, is the first time medical professionals have worked toward the same goal and published their results in a medical journal.

Wow… Another thing that wouldn’t have existed without Jews!

Also, just so we’re clear – a “trans woman” is a man who cut half his dick and rolled the other half inside his body, and took all sorts of chemicals and hormons to feminize himself.

 To Madeleine Bair, an undergraduate at UCLA and a trans woman, that’s not surprising.

“Medical issues that affect trans people are often understudied or ignored completely,” she tells Romper. “Mt. Sinai is doing a lot of interesting work, as is Dr. (William) Powers out of Michigan.”

Zil Goldstein, BTW, is also a man pretending to be a woman:

I actually couldn’t tell at first, because of how ugly Kikes of either gender usually are.

“But I find that studies like this are the exception to the rule. So, most trans health care ends up being crowdsourced from other trans people,” she says. “We educate each other so we can empower each other to take back our own medical agency.”

Reisman explains that in the past, “gender-affirming care has taken place underground,” and, in terms of research fields, “transgender endocrinology” is a fairly young sub-specialty. The changing cultural and legal landscape, she says, means that academics are beginning to work in the field. The result will be “more evidenced-based data to help guide medical decision-making and increased standardization of care.”

Beyond the obvious importance of inducing medically significant lactation — enough to feed a baby — their case study is notable for two other reasons.

First, their patient was on a dosage regimen of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), ranging from feminizing hormones to anti-androgens typical of most trans women in the United States who have not undergone certain surgical procedures. Second, while their patient had been on HRT since 2011, she had not undergone any gender-related surgeries such as breast augmentation or a vaginoplasty, which involves the surgical construction of a vagina and vulva.

Because not every trans woman wants to undergo surgical intervention (nor, if she wants to do so, can she always access these procedures for medical or cost reasons), the fact that certain surgeries aren’t a prerequisite for success under the Reisman/Goldstein method means the technique could have a wide application if their results can be replicated.

Notice how, at no point, do these disgusting foreskin-munchers actually take into account whether mutilating a man’s body to the point where it can do something so unnatural that only one single mammal on the planet can do is actually healthy for the baby itself.

Because that isn’t important.

Humiliating and destroying the hated goyim and their society is the only thing that matters, nothing else.

Moreover, the benefits of breastfeeding to both parent and child, from lower rates of breast cancer in women who breastfeed, to a stronger infant immune system, and stronger parent-child bonding, have been well documented. While every mother may not choose to breastfeed, there’s much to be said for making sure those who want to are physically able to do so.

These demented vermin are applying female biology to men who mutilate their bodies with surgery and have more drugs in them than all the Rollings Stones put together.

And they think this is normal.

And nobody around them does anything to make things normal again.

Think about it.

To make that happen, Riesman and Goldstein put their patient on 10 milligrams of domperidone and asked her to take it three times per day. While domperidone was originally developed to treat gastric issues, it has been used around the world to increase lactation, often without the approval of government regulators.

Fun fact – domperidone is banned in the US (presumably in other countries as well) because “The serious risks associated with domperidone include cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.

But that’s nowhere near enough to make the (((doctors))) struggling to create the perfect Frankencunt rethink what they’re doing.

Using drugs for off-label purposes is common in transgender medicine, with spironolactone — which was originally developed to treat hypertension — being a prime example. Many trans women take spironolactone because one of its side effects can be the development of breast tissue and because as a diuretic, it’s useful for helping to keep testosterone levels down.

In addition to the domperidone, Reisman and Goldstein asked their patient to use her breast pump for five minutes on each breast three times per day.

See how perfectly natural this is, you stupid goyim?

At a follow-up visit a month later, the patient could produce milk droplets. Reisman and Goldstein doubled her dose of domperidone, raised her progesterone dose by four times (to 400 milligrams a day) increased her estradiol prescription sixfold (from 2 milligrams twice per day to 12 milligrams twice per day) and kept her on the breast pump.

By her next monthly visit, their patient could produce 8 ounces of milk a day. Reisman and Goldstein then slashed her estradiol to “low dose” level and cut her progesterone to 100 milligrams per day.

Once their patient’s partner had their baby, their patient breastfed the child for its first six weeks of life.Although she was concerned about a reduction in her milk supply after that period and began to supplement her breast milk with formula, the woman continued to breastfeed her child until it was about six months old.

Reisman and Goldstein are frank that more research needs to be done in this area, particularly on the question of whether the use of domperidone is necessary for the technique to be replicated. The drug has been banned for almost 14 years in the United States by the FDA because of the agency’s concern about potential lethal side effects if it is taken intravenously. While Reisman and Goldstein’s patient took her dose orally, the FDA is reportedly still worried about the possible effects of domperidone on infants, since the drug is passed through breast milk.

Even if a trans woman is willing to assume these health risks, there are currently legal hurdles to consider. Thanks to the FDA, it’s illegal to import domperidone into the U.S. and federal officials actively attempt to seize inbound shipments of it, though — as Reisman and Goldstein’s patient showed — they’re not always successful.

So these Kikes are openly breaking the law by giving an illegal drug to a baby (indirectly), and saying they are, and no one’s doing anything about it?


Because of this barrier to acquiring the drug, removing it from the mix could make the Reisman/Goldstein technique more accessible if it’s possible to achieve similar results as those in the case study solely through adjustments to the patient’s HRT levels and breast pumping.

Bair appreciates Reisman and Goldstein’s willingness to think outside the box.

What wacky new thing will the Jews think of next, outside of that box of outdated Christian morality?

If I had to guess, I would say bestiality.