Skrewdriver: Rock n Racism Documentary

Daily Stormer
February 5, 2014

Ian Stuart Donaldson RIP

Ian Stuart Donaldson (11 August 1957-24 September 1993)

Throughout the ages, certain men have stepped up at the proper times to guide the Aryan race from it’s destructive course and lead it down the path to salvation.

Adolf Hitler, Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and Dr. William Pierce are all important examples, however no one has ever been able to open as many youthful eyes as Ian Stuart Donaldson.

Born in 1957 at Poulton-le-Fylde in Lancashire, England, he would become the most popular and loved man in the entire skinhead scene. In 1982 his band, Skrewdriver, sent shockwaves throughout the entire world when it introduced Nationalist and Racial lyrics to it’s music, something which at that time was unheard of.

Their concerts were feared by the left wing, and numerous protests erupted before every show. Hail the New Dawn was released in 1984, and the band’s popularity soared. Skrewdriver became known in every White country around the globe. From England to Italy, America to Germany, Ian Stuart was at the forefront of the White Power Scene.

His attitude can be best described in one of his quotes: “I am not the type of person to creep and crawl to a bunch of weak-kneed, pacifist lefties and two-faced Zionists. One must be honest to people about one’s beliefs and especially when the survival of our very race is at stake. I have no doubt that anyone who expounds patriotic beliefs has a little black mark put against his name, and by now I must have a massive black mark near my name. C’est la guerre.”