So It is Sexist to Call a Woman a “Stupid Woman”? What are You Supposed to Call a Dumb Bitch?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2018

“Woman” is not a slur.

So saying you’re not allowed to call a woman who is acting stupidly a “stupid woman” means that you’re not allowed to criticize women.

Fox News:

Britain’s main opposition leader sparked a political furor Wednesday after he was accused of calling Prime Minister Theresa May a “stupid woman” in the House of Commons.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was caught on camera appearing to mutter the insult during the prime minister’s weekly question-and-answer session.

He denied, it, saying instead that he had called Conservative lawmakers “stupid people.”

The always-lively session was even more heated than usual, as lawmakers’ frustrations and divisions over Brexit boiled over into raucous shouting and personal jibes. Britain expected to leave the European Union on March 29 but lawmakers from many political stances are against May’s Brexit plan.

Conservative legislators yelled “Shame!” and “Disgraceful!” at Corbyn after the alleged jibe.

“I did not use the words ‘stupid woman’ about the prime minister or anyone else, and am completely opposed to the use of sexist or misogynist language in absolutely any form at all,” Corbyn said.

The incident came as Britain’s Parliament attempts to end bullying, abuse and sexual harassment. Earlier this year, a cross-party working group reported that one in five parliamentary workers had experienced or witnessed sexual harassment in the previous year.

Oh so now it’s sexual harassment?

To call a woman stupid?

The silly bitch sure does look stupid.

She’s like the female Mr. Bean.

I could even understand, in the current system, if he had called her a “dumb bitch” or an “idiotic cunt.”

But making “woman” into a slur means that all women are above even being mentioned in any kind of negative light.

I hate to go full Sargon of Akkad, but what does this say about sexual equality?

Is it indeed that feminism is not about equality, but instead about making women into masters who rule over men and cannot be questioned? Are women similar to the Jews in this regard?

Unquestionable masters?

Here’s a mind-exercise: it is obviously not against the rules to call a white man a “stupid man.” But what if someone calls a colored male a “stupid man”? Is that racist?