So, Trump Just Started the FBI Investigation. Let the Games Begin.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2018

Trump didn’t have any choice.

What was he supposed to do?

The votes were not there.

So Jeff Flake – a coward, who would never have the nerve to rape a woman, no matter how badly she deserved it – was able to rape the course of history.

So far, there haven’t been any new allegations against Kavanaugh. But it’s only been a few hours.

Kavanaugh’s friend who was repeatedly named by the Democrats – ironically (I guess) named Judge, has agreed to full cooperation.

Fox News:

The high school friend of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, whose name has been drawn into the allegations leveled against the Supreme Court nominee by several women, said Friday he would cooperate with any law enforcement investigation that will “confidentially” probe the allegations, which he “categorically” denies.

In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Friday, Mark Judge, denied the latest round of accusations brought against him and Kavanaugh by Julie Swetnick—the client of Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti.

Swetnick accused Kavanaugh and Judge of making unwanted sexual advances at women while at parties in high school in the early 1980s, drugging the “punch” at parties, and participating in “gang rapes” and “train rapes.” Swetnick claims she is a victim of gang rape, and said that both Judge and Kavanaugh were there to watch the incident.

“In response to the Committee’s request for information, I, MARK JUDGE, declare: The allegations in the Swetnick affidavit are so bizarre that, even while suffering from my addiction, I would remember actions so outlandish. I categorically deny them,” Judge, a recovering alcoholic, said in the letter.

“I do not know Julie Swetnick,” he continued. “I do not recall attending parties during 1981-1983 when I fondled or grabbed women in an aggressive or unwanted manner.”

Judge went on to say that he has “never spiked punch to get anyone drunk or disoriented.”

“Nor have I witnessed Brett Kavanaugh spike punch,” Judge wrote. “I have never engaged in any gang rape of any woman, including Ms. Swetnick.”

The statement he signed was under penalty of felony, just like lying to the FBI – so the FBI is going to be like “did you gang rape some bitches?” and he’s gonna be like “no,” and they’re gonna be like “some bitches said u did dat,” and he’s gonna be like, “well, I didn’t.”

There is literally nothing that can happen here. We’re talking about stuff that happened almost 40 years ago. What can they possibly do about any of this? They aren’t going to find physical evidence. They’re going to find the same people, who have already said “no,” saying “no.”

This is a stalling tactic, where they are hoping for more allegations – I say hoping, in fact they are planning them – that Flake, Murkowski and Collins can use to say “in light of these credible new allegations, I cannot in good conscience vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

But maybe that won’t happen.

I don’t know.

This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen, and no one knows what’s going to happen.

I’m as confused as Chuck Grassley.

Jeff Flake is evil.

This is a deranged circus, and the people saying that this will have consequences for decades are correct.

We now have a situation where “I believe the accuser” is enough to convict a man.

Their argument is that “this is not a court of law so there doesn’t have to be proof” is insane. They are setting the standard for what they want to be used in a court of law – a standard that effectively is already used in so-called “sexual assault” cases.

And is always used in the court of public opinion when crucifying a white man.

But yeah – Jews crucifying white men based on trumped-up nonsense charges.

Nothing new there.

I’ve seen this movie before.

New allegations in 3, 2, 1…