Somalian Cop Who Shot White Australian Female Finally Charged with Murder

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2018

Mohamed Noor.

The police overall are not your friends. Either the power has gone to their head or they are the lapdogs of some fat Jew somewhere.

That said, they won’t just randomly shoot you after being spooked if they’re white. Usually, at least.

Black cops are a horse of a different color. You are basically giving a rabid monkey a gun, allowing him to have a huge amount of power over people’s lives, and telling him if he feels threatened by anyone he can shoot to kill.

That is what happened with the case of the dingo bride. The Somalian cop she called to report something got scared for some reason and shot her to death.


A police officer who mistakenly shot and killed an Australian woman last July in Minneapolis was indicted on a charge of third-degree murder Tuesday, and the city’s top prosecutor blamed “uncooperative” cops for slowing down the investigation.

Officer Mohamed Noor was also charged with second-degree manslaughter in connection with the death of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, according to records from the Hennepin County Jail. Bail was set at $500,000.

Mike Freeman, the Hennepin County attorney, blamed stonewalling by the Minneapolis police for the delay. “This would have been done a good deal quicker if we had gotten cooperation,” he said at a news conference.

Asked for comment, the police union declined to address Freeman’s claims.

Damond, 40, a life coach and motivational speaker from Sydney, called 911 on July 15 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home. When Noor and his partner, Officer Matthew Harrity, drove up in their SUV, Damond walked toward the car.

It’s very surprising he actually got charged.

But it’s a very good thing. We get another whole huge media cycle about this monkey who went berserk and killed a human being.

Justine Ruszczyk Damond.