South Africa: Four Demonic Kaffirs Murder White Farmer, Pour Boiling Water Over His Wife

Tool Wessels.

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The body of a farmer was found in a river after a brutally attack on his Kapteinsdrift farm in Bonnievale on Monday.

According to reports, Mr and Mrs Tool Wessels were attacked by four men wearing balaclavas.

The wife Liezel, who was stabbed in the chest and had boiling water poured over her back, managed to escape to a neighbouring farm.

The body of her husband was later found a few hundred meters from the home in a nearby river.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Andrè Traut said the circumstances surrounding the murder and attempted murder are being investigated.

Traut said four armed suspects attacked the couple, both 55, in their residence and held them hostage.

“The female victim who sustained a stab wound managed to escape and alerted police. The body of her husband was later discovered approximately 200m from the house,” Traut said.

He said the suspects fled with two firearms and are yet to be arrested.