South Korea: Man Burns Himself Alive Outside of Japanese Embassy to Protest Trade Dispute

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2019

Asians, we shall truly never understand.

Imagine if a MAGAmerican went and burned himself alive outside of the Chinese embassy in protest of bad trade deals?

This sort of thing makes sense to Asians, for some reason.

New York Times:

A man set himself on fire in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, on Friday amid escalating tensions between the two countries over Tokyo’s move to impose trade restrictions. He died in a hospital hours later.

The man, identified by the police only as a South Korean in his 70s, parked his car near the glass and steel office tower that houses the Japanese Embassy in the center of the capital and set himself on fire inside the vehicle around 3:30 a.m., the police said.

Police officers guarding the building and firefighters put out the blaze in 10 minutes. Before the man died, the police refused to reveal his condition, except to say that he had suffered burns, was hospitalized and was unable to answer questions.

Relations between Seoul and Tokyo have deteriorated since Japan tightened controls on the export of some high-tech materials to South Korea. Those materials are used in making semiconductors and advanced flat-panel screens, two of South Korea’s most important export items.

A strong undercurrent of anti-Japanese sentiment pervades South Korea, where memories of Japan’s brutal colonial rule of Korea from 1910 to its World War II surrender in 1945 are kept alive through history books and aggravated by frequent territorial and other disputes rooted in the colonial era.

Japan imposed export restrictions after South Korea’s Supreme Court ruled that South Korean victims of forced labor during colonization had the right to seek compensation from Japanese companies. But Japan says all such claims were settled when Japan re-established ties with South Korea in 1965 and provided Seoul with $500 million in economic aid.

Over the years, anti-Japanese sentiments in South Korea have often exploded into dramatic protests in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.

Protesters have set themselves afire and cut off their fingertips during rallies to show their resolve to fight Japan. In 2005 a demonstrator doused himself with paint thinner and set himself on fire but was rescued by police officers. Protesters have also burned Japanese flags and the effigies of Japanese leaders.

Yes, of course it is about more than trade relations. It’s about general hatred of the Japanese.

But still.

What sort of a thing is it to kill yourself to attack your enemies?

This is like the reverse of Justin Trudeau’s “if you kill your enemies, they win” – it’s “if you kill yourself, your enemies lose.”

The strange thing is that the Japanese get along better with the Chinese than with the Koreans.

Japan also has a bigger US occupation than Korea. There are 50,000 troops in Japan, and only 30,000 in Korea. Moreover, the ones in Korea are ostensibly there to protect South Korea from North Korea, while the troops in Japan are there just to maintain an occupation and keep the Japanese from becoming an independent country.

The Japanese have largely been quiet about being occupied by the US, really only complaining when blacks go out and rape-murder Japanese women (which happens a lot).

This escalating confrontation with Korea could play a big role in the Japanese proceeding to move away from the US and closer to China. After the Pompeo Regime staged that weird attack on a Japanese ship while the Japanese PM was meeting with the Iranians, I think they’ve realized they need to make this move sooner rather than later, and they could well be playing up Korean tensions in order to facilitate that.