“Stage 4 Lockdown” – Australian Economy in Full Collapse Due to Lunatic Measures

A whopping 208 people have died of the coronavirus in Australia. Virtually all of them have been nursing home residents.

The Australian government actually publishes every death. You’d think they’d want to hide this information. Eight people under the age of 60 have died and only 26 people under the age of 70 have died. A full 136 have been over 80.

The average lifespan of Australians is 82. The median average coronavirus death in Australia appears to be 85. This virus is of course less dangerous than the average flu.

Despite these facts, Australia is going into the most extreme semi-permanent lockdown of possibly any country, and the government is openly admitting it is going to completely collapse the economy.

How the hell are people tolerating this?

The Guardian:

The strict new stage 4 lockdown announced by the Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, along with the shutdown of certain industries to be unveiled on Monday, represents a hammer blow to the Australian economy.

They immediately invalidate federal Treasury forecasts released less than a fortnight ago and will require the prime minister, Scott Morrison, to tip buckets of money into Victoria if Australia is to avoid prolonging and deepening what is already an economic disaster.

Australia’s second-biggest state, by both population and economic output, has been in a harsher state of lockdown than the rest of the country for almost a month and will now go into a state of near hibernation for at least six weeks.

The economic effects will be felt across the country, exposing the idea that emergency jobkeeper and jobseeker support can be safely tapered away at the end of September – less than 60 days away – as a dangerous fantasy.

Andrews said there would be three categories of industry. In the first, it will be (coronavirus) business as usual – “the butcher, the baker, food, beverage, groceries, those types of settings”.

A second group is to reduce its output.

“That will mean there are less people working less shifts,” Andrews said.

There are fewer people working fewer shifts, actually.

“There is less contact. There is less seeding of this virus from workplaces back into families and from family to family and right throughout the Victorian community.”

A third group will have to temporarily, but entirely, shut down.

Andrews was shy about which industries will fall into which category. But coronavirus has spread through some – such as meatworks – that have heavily casualised workforces where people work cheek by jowl.

Andrews has repeatedly said it is a huge problem that casual workers keep turning up to work when they feel sick because they fear they will never get another shift.

The Victorian government offers people $300 to stay home between getting tested and getting a result – enough to cover a few shifts, but if you’re thrown off the books what are you supposed to do after that?

There’s also a $1,500 payment for people who test positive, but take-up has been poor.

Forcibly shutting high-risk industries should stem infections at work, but the cost to workers will be enormous.

The hit they take will also be felt through the rest of the economy, both in Victoria and across Australia, as their spending vanishes and the goods and services they supply disappear.

And that’s before we think about the remaining workers in the already devastated Victorian hospitality sector, who might have been thinking they would be able to get back to work before last month’s restrictions hit, and now have no chance at all.

Workers smashed by this new wave of economic mayhem will need money from the government to be able to eat and pay their bills.

Yes, they will need money.

The problem is that there is no such thing as infinity money.

You can print money, but if you do not have the goods and services backing up the money, the new money will become valueless.

We are looking at a hyperinflation situation in every single Western country that is attempting to cover up the fact that our economies have collapsed by printing money.

This can can be kicked down the road only so far. With this same thing happening in every Western country, the crisis is presumably going to happen soon. Though it might happen later, as it will be less clear how quickly the values of the currencies are collapsing. These countries will also not be able to use the old third world trick of responding to hyperinflation by replacing the currency with a substitute currency from a stable economy.

I don’t know the mechanics of the way this collapse will happen, nor do I know the timeframe. Probably, some people more knowledgeable about economics than myself could explain the likely mechanics of the collapse, but I doubt anyone can put forward a timeframe, as we’ve never seen a first world country spiral into hyperinflation.

The plan is probably to force everything into collapse and then introduce a global digital currency as the solution. The World Economic Forum is currently pushing something they’re calling “The Great Reset,” a plan to completely upend all existing cultural norms as a response to the coronavirus collapse and replace the entire society with a different society, favored by the ruling elite. This plan will likely involve a new currency.

“A society of buzzwords.”

One thing is clear: there is some kind of plan behind all of this, because none of it can possibly make any sense at all in terms of random events and screwups.