Steve Bannon Pushing Trump to Classify Facebook and Google as Public Utilities

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2017

As legacy media wanes, the Jews will put translating their power to manufacture opinion via social media at the top of their agenda. They already own the major companies [except Twitter -ed.], and as their monopoly over virtually everything in our lives increases, it becomes difficult to not rely on their services at some level.

The solution to the repression of non-Jewish opinions by these capital concentrations is nationalization or trust-busting. I doubt the US government will be willing to go that far, so the next best thing would be to classify these power brokers as public utilities like phone companies or internet providers.

If the breaks aren’t put on and soon, Sillicohen Valley Jews with no respect for the First Amendment like Mark Zuckerberg and Sergey Brin will make it so the only content allowed is anti-white, pro-globalist opinions as seen on the Antifa site “It’s Going Down.”

Letting corporations dictate what legally protected speech is allowed or isn’t is a slippery slope.

The Intercept:

Tech companies like Facebook and Google that have become essential elements of 21st-century life should be regulated as utilities, top White House adviser Steve Bannon has argued, according to three people who’ve spoken to him about the issue.

Bannon’s push for treating essential tech platforms as utilities pre-dates the Democratic “Better Deal” that was released this week. “Better Deal,” the branding for Democrats’ political objectives, included planks aimed at breaking up monopolies in a variety of sectors, suggesting that anti-monopoly politics is on the rise on both the right and left.

Bannon’s basic argument, as he has outlined it to people who’ve spoken with him, is that Facebook and Google have become effectively a necessity in contemporary life. Indeed, there may be something about an online social network or a search engine that lends itself to becoming a natural monopoly, much like a cable company, a water and sewer system, or a railroad. The sources recounted the conversations on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give the accounts on record, and could face repercussions for doing so.

(It’s not Bannon’s only counterintuitive proposal to float this week: he has also told people close to him he wants to raise the top marginal tax rate to 44 percent for people who earn more than $5 million per year.)

Regulating a company as a utility does not mean that the government controls it, but rather that it is much more tightly regulated in what it is able to do and prices it is able to charge. And it doesn’t mean every element of the company would be regulated in that way. For Google — which now calls itself Alphabet and has already conveniently broken itself up into discrete elements — it may only be the search function that would be regulated like a utility.

So it looks like Jews are already preparing themselves by setting up anticipatory loopholes.

But even regulations solely on Google’s search function would be a big deal. It’s only a matter of time until Google stops listing websites the ADL doesn’t approve of in its algorithm, so maintaining its status as a sort of “cyber Alexandria” once all of its competitors are destroyed or bought out will be important in the foreseeable future.

Overall, the lack of accountability and transparency of our business and media elites in this neo-liberal age is the number one threat to our liberties.