Stoned to Death in South Africa

The Traitor Within
December 7, 2013

South_African_deaths1The content in video below is EXTREMELY graphic.

If you are of a sensitive disposition you should not watch it.

You will see what appears to be a white man being stoned to death. However, according to the Port Elizabeth Herald, the dead man was Somali in origin.

Whatever the ethnicity of the person at the receiving end, this occurred in South Africa. In St. Nelson Mandelaland. In broad daylight.

As you can see, the person who posted the video thinks that the person under attack is a white WOMAN. Well, if my understanding of this incident is incorrect I apologise but I don’t believe the victim is a woman.

The violence and those who inflict it, however, are certainly black and such behaviour does not reflect well upon the culture and society that produced it.

Or the South African style diversity that the Herald tells us was at the heart of it.

Check out Mandela’s ANC chums as they sing a ‘death to whitey’ song. Note his lack of concern.