Stormer, Volume 42: What It Takes

Daily Stormer
June 10, 2018

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How much does it cost to run a large publication?

Earlier today Anglin posted an urgent message about the need for reader support. I saw a few people various places saying that he must have enough resources to run the site. After all, he got $150,000 for his legal defense! (He didn’t, it went directly to an attorney, and he now owes that attorney way more money.) I wanted to address the concerns of these people directly with spreadsheet reality.

What do publications of a smaller size than the Stormer serving a similar demographic cost in terms of resources?

Buzzfeed in 2008 asked for millions of dollars on the basis of 700k monthly unique viewers– and they were losing $60k a month. Venture capitalists said “those numbers are impressive” and gave them the millions they asked for.

In contrast, Daily Stormer has millions of monthly uniques. You can verify this with third parties. Similarweb plots last month’s unique viewers at 2.7 million:

That’s below our internal numbers because our site has a young and technically adept readership and most of these metrics sites create their projections from adware installs. Daily Stormer readers are not really installing random toolbars on their Internet Explorer. Also, a lot of traffic goes through Tor or syndicated through other means (including this weekly magazine!) that people can’t measure. But I digress– we have an impressive multiple of the number of uniques that had Buzzfeed valued at millions of dollars, that they had to lose $60,000 a month to get.

We have a larger numbers of readers than The Tampa Tribune, Columbus Dispatch, Oklahoman, Virginian-Pilot, and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. All of these have dozens to hundreds of employees and buildings of their own.

This place runs with atypical levels of redundancy. There are weeks where we’ll lose a server every single day, 7 days in the week, and at least one of those days we’ll lose two servers because of Jewish complaints. You as the reader don’t notice the downtime, because we have excellent technical staff, but keep in mind that this operation has a server failure rate equal to large data centers.

Regular Stormer readers will know that some of our people need occasional emergency relocation when angry mobs of hundreds of people and law enforcement are outside their doors. This is a cost of operations– we cannot just leave our guys to face the Sanhedrin. These are just samples of the kinds of expensive issues that we have to confront on a regular basis that regular publications do not.

I don’t know if these people who are like “my personal blog doesn’t take much resources to run, so this site must not either” are legitimate people who aren’t thinking this through or are just being dishonest. I suspect it is a mix of both, but really this is a massive undertaking that has taken an unfathomable toll on the the lives of everyone involved and it is amazing that every one of my colleagues has not collapsed or quit under the strain that they endure.

I know Bitcoin is difficult for some of you to learn, but this is the reality: we need you to support this cause. All of you.

We have at least 3.4 million monthly uniques, 5 times that 700k, we persevere over way more operational problems than Buzzfeed, and we definitely don’t get $60,000 a month (nor are we asking for anything near such a figure). We just need a reasonable fraction of that to even keep the lights on and grow the site. That’s just the reality of the situation. And if every single person who just read this essay would send the cost of a discount WSJ or NYT subscription (~$230), we’d actually have millions of dollars. Can you imagine the trouble we’d cause with that level of capitalization?

Please, take a moment to visit the contributions page. There are a lot of ways to buy Bitcoin listed there. If you have trouble, ask someone in your family or social circle who is good with computers to walk you through buying Bitcoin and making payments with it a couple times until you have it down. Back when I was living in New York I would see niggers who were obviously drug dealers coming into the Bitcoin center to trade Bitcoin. If a section 8 crack dealer can figure this stuff out, all of you can become a regular contributors to The Daily Stormer. You’ll feel great supporting this cause, I guarantee it.

Donate now!