Stormer, Volume 70: A Death March For Timothy C. May

Daily Stormer
December 23, 2018

Timothy C. May died on the 13th of this month. He was the visionary founder of the cypherpunks movement that paved the way for modern cryptosystems and digital currencies, whose most famous practical technical contribution was figuring out that alpha particle emissions from the radioactive clay housing were flipping bits inside processors and causing subtle bugs that nobody could figure out the source of.

New York Times:

Only several years into the job, after the company’s chips had been found to be malfunctioning, Mr. May discovered the source of the problem through a process involving radioactive alpha particles. His discovery earned him his own laboratory and an award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. But calculating that his Intel stock options could sustain him through retirement, he resigned at 34.

The NYT published a late obituary this week for Tim May. It had to chime in after dozens of publications highlighted exactly how much of a genius he was, and how his brilliance laid the foundations for the modern digital currency ecosystem. We might not have Bitcoin without Tim May. The Jews at the New York Times had to say something, because Timothy C. May was problematic.

After the Cypherpunks faded in the early 2000s, he began expressing racist sentiments to other online groups.

Of course, Silicon Valley’s elites objected to this on Twitter. Ryan Lackey, the founder of Havenco and CryptoSeal (whose technology now powers major services like CloudFlare) lodged his protest to the author of this NYT piece:

The NYT replied by saying that it was “under emphasized” and replied with a screenshot of Tim May calling the assassination of MLK a good thing.

Liquidate the Jew and the Negro and most of our problems fade away,” the pioneer of the technology and society we are all consumers of said.

Unlike the cowards in Silicon Valley, we here at the Daily Stormer will not apologetically erase the politics of Tim May. The man not only meant what he said, but what he said was entirely, obviously true. Social problems would completely disappear if the Jews were to be liquidated entirely. Hell, I don’t even think it would require anything to be done with the Negro. Blacks are simply impressionable children and without the corrosive influence of the perfidious international kike, race relations between blacks and whites would return to what they were before the (Jewish founded and sustained) civil rights movement: amicable and entirely without significant contention.

Every time anti-Semitism gains significant public traction, federal assets roll out a menagerie of disgusting freaks to try to harken back to weird Skokie era goon march stereotypes. They want to convince normal people that only weirdo idiots oppose the Jews. You all know what I am talking about.

Our rebuttal should be the lives of brilliant men like Timothy C. May. The engineers that made the computers you use every day work? The men who wrote all the great classic literature that laid the foundations for all of civilization? The pioneers of mathematics like John Nash? All of them rabid anti-Semites who wanted to see the kikes liquidated. Our greatest minds, our finest men. When you wish total destruction upon the wicked Jews, you find yourself in the finest and smartest company.

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