Study: Low-Carb Keto Diets Increase Risk of Hearth Rhythm Disorders Linked to Strokes

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2019

NOTE: Please see HERE for context on this article. 

The more you look into keto diets, the worse those keto diets look.

They’re just terrible.

We recently learned about women following those diets experiencing what they call “keto crotch,” which is a mildly elegant way of saying that their vaginas smell like rotten beef, and now a study is saying that aside from the keto hair loss, the keto breath, the keto crotch, the keto rash, and the keto whatever, you also get the keto stroke and the keto heart disease.

As you can see… it’s a pretty complete diet.

Daily Mail:

Trendy low-carb diets popular with celebrities raise the risk of a developing an irregular heartbeat linked to strokes, warns a new study.

The findings show people getting a low proportion of their daily calories from carbs such as grains, fruits and starchy vegetables are ‘significantly more likely’ to develop an irregular heartbeat, also known as atrial fibrillation.

The study analyzed the health records of more than 13,000 people spanning more than two decades.

It is the first and largest to assess the relationship between carbohydrate intake and atrial fibrillation, the most common heart rhythm disorder.

The heart of people with the problem doesn’t always beat or keep pace the way it should, which can lead to palpitations, dizziness and fatigue.

People with atrial fibrillation are five times more likely to have a stroke than people without the condition. It can also lead to heart failure.

While there are many different low-carb diets including the ketogenic, paleo and Atkins diets, most emphasize proteins while limiting intake of sugars, grains, legumes, fruits and starchy vegetables.

Study lead author Dr Xiaodong Zhuang, a cardiologist based at Sun Yat-Sen University in China, said: ‘The long-term effect of carbohydrate restriction is still controversial, especially with regard to its influence on cardiovascular disease,.

‘Considering the potential influence on arrhythmia, our study suggests this popular weight control method should be recommended cautiously.’

The findings complement previous studies, several of which have associated both low-carb and high-carb diets with an increased risk of death.

However, while previous studies suggested the nature of the non-carb component of the diet influenced the overall pattern observed, the new study did not.

Mr. Anglin believes that the diet should be 33/33/33 protein/fat/carbs, which is a balanced distribution that keeps you away from both the high-carb and low-carb ends of the spectrum that are associated with an increased risk of death. He has noted that the important thing is to move off of bad carbs like grains to good carbs like white rice and potatoes.

But whether it is veganism or keto or whatever, the main reason people are feeling better and losing weight is that they are cutting out processed food.

Participants reporting low carb intake were the most likely to develop atrial fibrillation. They were 18 percent more likely to develop the disorder than those with moderate carb intake and 16 per cent more likely than those with high carb intake.

Dr Zhuang said there are several potential explanations why restricting carbs might lead to an irregular heartbeat.

One is that people eating a low-carb diet tend to eat fewer vegetables, fruit and grains – foods that are known to reduce inflammation.

Without those foods people may experience more inflammation, which has been linked with atrial fibrillation.

Another possible explanation is that eating more protein and fat in place of carb-rich foods may lead to oxidative stress, which has also been associated with atrial fibrillation.

Dr Zhuang said the effect could also be related to an increased risk of other forms of heart disease.

Remind me again why people are eating this way, because I don’t know of any supposed benefit of the keto way of eating that would be worth the keto troubles.

Burning fat is not an exclusive benefit of eating a keto diet. People burn fat in all kinds of diets. You can even burn fat by not eating for a period of time, which is usually known as fasting.

Ketosis is also not an exclusive benefit of eating a keto diet. You can enter ketosis by fasting for a bit, which is cheaper because you don’t need to eat food.

So what are low-carb keto diets really good for?

They help children with epilepsy… I guess.