Sweatless Prince’s Ex-Wife and Daughter Set Up the Trainwreck Interview

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2019

One thing you have to give the British credit for: they go big on their hats.

This fuels my theory that this interview was intended to be an absolute shitshow for the purpose of getting everyone to focus on Prince Andrew and forget about the rest of the whole Jeffrey Epstein jailbait sex ring scandal.

Daily Mail:

The Duke of York’s former wife Sarah Ferguson and daughter Princess Beatrice were among the key figures pressing him to go ahead with last weekend’s disastrous Newsnight interview.

The Mail on Sunday understands that the Duchess of York had been keen to end the speculation about Andrew’s involvement with convicted paedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein ahead of Beatrice’s wedding to property developer Edo Mapelli Mozzi next year.

Fergie is also believed to have been convinced that if the public could see the Duke – or ‘my boy’, as she is said to call him – talking in his own words about the scandal, they would be convinced that he was telling the truth.

She could hardly have been more wrong.

Yeah, either that or the Jews came to her and were like “let’s set up your ex-husband to look like a complete asshole, who people will believe is guilty of whatever he’s accused of.”

The entire concept of an interview in this context was stupid. There was literally no way it could have benefited him. But if they were going to do an interview, they obviously could have done a completely controlled, scripted interview, where he didn’t say things like “I lost my ability to sweat” and appear to defend Epstein.

The only conceivable reason anyone would set the interview up like this is if they wanted to create a massive spectacle. And creating a massive spectacle makes sense if you want to distract the goyim from the hunt for Ghislaine Maxwell, the fact that we still don’t have any idea who killed Epstein or why he was ever arrested in the first place, and all of the other bizarre details surrounding this situation.

This was the biggest news story in decades and it’s turned into a “peasants throwing rotten fruit at a disgraced moron” event.