Sweden: Black Charged with Raping and Strangling 92-Year-Old White Woman on Christmas Eve

Islam Versus Europe
February 26, 2014

The unspeakable crime was discovered when the elderly woman’s children arrived to take her to midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

A 23-year-old African has been charged on suspicion of having entered into a 92-year-old Swedish woman’s home on Christmas Eve and having practiced a bestial rape on her.

The elderly woman had just arrived home from the traditional children’s Christmas celebration when the 23-year-old man knocked on the door and somehow tricked his way into the residence in Töreboda in Västergötland.

Once inside, he allegedly pushed down the 92-year-old woman onto the floor, took stranglehold on her and said he would kill her if she screamed. The woman made an effort to resist by trying to claw the African on his face, but he managed to tear off her pants and panties and pushed her into the shower.

The rape attempt halted when the 92-year-old managed to lock herself in the bathroom and to persuade the man to leave the residence.

But just an hour later, the 23-year-old went back into the home again – and then resistance was futile. First he allegedly pushed the woman over and then he dragged her out into the bedroom. Once there, he forced the 92-year-old to stand on arms and legs on the floor, after which the suspect repeatedly tried to introduce his penis into the victim’s vagina, and then rape her anally.

The rapist was a Kenyan national.

The African must also have encouraged the old woman to masturbate him and had his penis at the woman’s mouth, at the same time trying to pry open her mouth with his hands.

The brutal rape stopped only when the phone rang. The perpetrator asked the 92-year-old woman whether she had called the police, and warned her of what would happen (if she did):

“If you did, then you must know that tomorrow I will come with a knife”.

The rape became known only in the evening, when her children came to pick her up for the midnight mass. The police managed to arrest the 23-year-old after just a few hours later.

He was already on the wanted list for having committed another rape on a 40 year old woman in November. At that time, too, he allegedly got into the woman’s home, threw her down on the floor and raped her. While raping her, the African allegedly punched several times the 40-year-old woman on her face and asked her if she “wanted to die”.

The 23-year-old Kenyan national already has a long criminal record. He began his career as sex offender at the age of 15, when he was convicted of attempted rape. He is also convicted of other crimes such as assault, harassment, threatening police officers, drug trafficking, burglary and assault with knife.

In a separate case, the District Court of Falu has recently prosecuted him for assault and extortion after he threatened an individual that he would burn down his house.