Sweden: Little Somalian Boy Who Killed Lebanese Social Worker is an Adult

Daily Stormer
February 13, 2016


No one could have predicted that a child was actually an adult.

Daily Mail:

It follows media reports that Nuur had applied for a work permit in Sweden, despite the obvious fact teenagers do not leave school until they are 18.

Linda Wiking, the case prosecutor, told local paper Goteborgs-Posten he may now be tried in an adult court.

‘The migration agency’s decision that he is an adult is also relevant in the criminal case,’ she said.

Speaking to MailOnline, Miss Mezher’s mother Chimene said it was hard to describe how she felt at a time when she was still coming to terms with her daughter’s death.

‘But I do however think its a good thing if he is tried as an adult and it would be for the best if he is sentenced to spend a long time in prison because what he has done is unforgivable,’ she said.

‘I’m a mother who has lost her daughter. That is the worst thing that could happen to me and the family. He has destroyed our whole life.’

My family does not feel well, I do not feel well, everything is dark right now: it is like living in a long and terrible nightmare.’

But they will still have to wait for a final decision on his exact age – something which will make the difference between getting as little as two years in jail, Professor Jerzy Sarnecki, of Stockholm University’s department of criminology, told MailOnline.

‘If Yuseef is a minor and only as reported 15 years old, his time in prison will be reduced severely,’ he said.

‘Minors in the age between 15 to 17 are rarely sent to prison in Sweden. But when someone is convicted of such a serious crime as murder, I would expect that he will get a prison sentence – but the verdict will be much milder then if he was an adult.’

Professor Sarnecki said, if found guilty, Nuur would be sent to a special facility for under-18s, serving a maximum sentence of four years.

However, if he is convicted of manslaughter instead of murder the sentence could be half that – and he would more than likely be allowed to remain in Sweden afterwards.