Swedish Government Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of the Native Swedes

September 4, 2013

The new Sweden will not have any Swedish people.
The new Sweden will not have any Swedish people.

The extreme far-left Swedish Socialist regime took an unprecedented action, that can only be described as the planned eradication of the Swedish as a unique ethnic phenotype. The Swedish government is offering blanket asylum to any and all citizens of the nation of Syria.

Sweden has a population that is less than 10 million, of which less than 8 million are Swedes. However, they have invited a nation of nearly 21 million Arabs to move in. That means Sweden is offering asylum to almost three Arabs for every one of it’s native Swedes. The action potentially places the Swedish in a position similar to the American Indians right before waves of European began arriving.

The nation being offered blanket asylum is roughly 75% Sunni Islam. Sweden is already experiencing massive amounts of violence and crime at the hands of the Sunni Muslim who have already moved there. Recently Sunni Muslims rioted for a week straight in the Swedish capitol and and attacked native Swedes at random. Many Sunni Muslims will go to Sweden and apply for amnesty specifically so they can engage in violent jihad in Europe.

From France24.com…

Sweden on Tuesday became the first European Union country to announce it will give asylum to all Syrian refugees who apply.

“All Syrian asylum seekers who apply for asylum in Sweden will get it,” Annie Hoernblad, the spokeswoman for Sweden’s migration agency, told AFP.

“The agency made this decision now because it believes the violence in Syria will not end in the near future.”

The decision, which will give refugees permanent resident status, is valid until further notice, added Hoernblad.

Until now, Sweden could only house refugees temporarily for three years, after each individual case was evaluated by the state.

The agency expects that the “vast majority of Syrian nationals who today have provisional status will apply for permanent status,” said Hoernblad.

Those granted permanent status will also be allowed to bring their families to Sweden.