Ted “Gay Beard” Cruz Holds Hearing on Tech Censorship

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2019

Ted Cruz used his gay beard to defend freedom of expression on the internet in a hearing on Wednesday.

He’s not going to do anything. But he held a hearing.

The time for threats is over, we absolutely know that everyone is getting shut down, the Jews think they can censor 50 million people, there is no need for hearings, if you were going to do something you would just do it.

But Ted Cruz’ beard is a piece of shit libertarian scumbag who says that tech companies are private companies, the whole internet is itself a private company that the government just paid for, and they can do whatever they want to anyone.

Fuck Ted Cruz and fuck his gay beard.

He should have grown that beard down past his saggy fat libertarian neck.

Washington Post:

Republicans led by Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday pilloried Facebook, Google and Twitter over allegations they censor conservative users and content online, threatening federal regulation in response to claims that Democrats long have described as a hoax and a distraction.

The tensions played out over more than three hours at a Senate hearing where Cruz, the leader of the Judiciary Committee’s constitution-focused panel, pointed to reports that he said showed a “consistent pattern of political bias and censorship on the part of big tech.”

“Not only does big tech have the power to silence voices with which they disagree, but big tech likewise has the power to collate a person’s feed so they only receive the news that comports with their own political agenda,” Cruz said.

Yeah dude.

We know.

We’ve been saying this for three years.

And now, all the normies know it because they all got banned.

You’re either going to have to do something or just shut your disgusting bearded clam face.

But Democrats sharply rebuked Cruz and his GOP allies for convening the hearing in the first place. “For decades, Republicans have bashed the supposedly liberal mainstream media in an effort to work the refs,” said Sen. Mazie Hirono (Hawaii). “Now that two-thirds of Americans get their news from social media, Republicans have a new boogeyman to target — big tech.”

Is Mazie Hirono an anti-Semite?

Because that sounds like she’s saying that the Jews who control the media also control big tech to use it as part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Ted Cruz didn’t say that. He would never. Ted Cruz is the goodest goy in the room.

Hirono and her Democratic peers chided Republicans for ignoring the real ills of social media — including the rise of hate speech and disinformation online. And one of the witnesses Wednesday raised concerns that Facebook and Google hadn’t been aggressive enough in the ways they police their platforms. Robbie Parker, a parent of a child killed during the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, said Facebook and Google-owned YouTube long had failed to stop conspiracy theorists and others from attacking him and his family.

It is just incredible that these kikes have the nerve to get called into a Congressional hearing on censorship and say “actually though, we need even more censorship though.”

“They systematically failed to protect us from harassment and threats,” Parker told lawmakers, later adding: “Only when they realized it would tarnish their brand and affect them financially did they finally respond appropriately.”

Conservatives long have claimed that major social-media sites exhibit political bias, pointing to Silicon Valley’s liberal leanings and regular contributions to Democrats. Beyond that, however, experts have said there is no evidence that Facebook, Google and Twitter have deliberately sought to limit the reach of Republicans, a message that tech giants in attendance on Wednesday emphasized.

Oh fuck you WaPo.

You can’t just claim “no evidence” when everyone knows that they’ve personally been censored. You could say that when it was only the far-right getting censored, but now that they’re just wholesale cleansing their platforms of anyone who even just supports Donald Trump, you can’t keep saying that.

It just shows the world that you’re a bunch of lying kikes.

“The notion that we would silence any political perspective is antithetical to our commitment to free expression,” said Carlos Monje, Jr., the director of Public Policy and Philanthropy for the U.S. and Canada at Twitter.

And yet, Twitter openly admits that they ban people for “dead naming” trannies, which is silencing a political perspective. That is not just random bans that people get for no reason – that is in their actual policy.

Conservatives and right-wingers do not believe a person’s sex changes because they get hormonal injections and cut their dick off. So you are absolutely enforcing – in your own terms of service – a political perspective.

But tech executives’ continued pledges to treat all political content equally have failed to sway the country’s most prominent Republicans, including President Trump, who repeatedly has claimed that Facebook, Google and Twitter are biased against the party.

As an example, Trump has pointed to his follower count on Twitter, which he said tends to fluctuate — a fact Twitter long has attributed to its efforts to shut down spam accounts on the platform. Still, Trump last month reiterated his threat for further scrutiny, telling reporters the government has to “do something about it.”

Opening the Wednesday hearing, Cruz on detailed a series of potential regulatory steps Congress could consider, including rethinking a longstanding federal law that spares companies from being held liable for content posted by their users. Cruz said lawmakers didn’t seek to serve as “government speech police,” but he raised the potential for further antitrust scrutiny of the tech industry.

That would be so, so easy to do.

But Cruz won’t do it for the same reason he has that beard: he’s a cocksucker.

“By almost any measure the giant tech companies today are larger, and more powerful, than Standard Oil was when it was broken up,” Cruz said. “And if we have tech companies using the powers of monopoly to censor political speech, I think that raises real antitrust issues.”

Well, at least he said that.

I didn’t think Freemarkets McPrivatecompanies had it in him.


Maybe they’ll do something.

Who knows.

I don’t think they’re going to do anything, but maybe they will. It certainly would be easy.