Teenage Coalburner Killed by High Naked Ape Boyfriend

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2017

This is one of the biggest reasons why you should never let your daughters near a Black


Sommer Gatto,18, suffered blunt force trauma to her head and torso Tuesday night. Investigators say her boyfriend, Marquis Williams, 20, beat her head against the ground on the street where she lived. He was naked and believed to be high on drugs.

When deputies arrived on the scene on Renata Circle near FM 529, they found Sommer lying in a pool of blood and Marquis’ clothes in the street. They had to shock him with a Taser twice to subdue him.

Harris County Sheriff’s Office investigators believe Williams was high on “kush,” a synthetic drug, when he ran down the street, took off his clothes and attacked Sommer. First he kicked in her family’s door prompting her grandmother, sister and two children to hide in a closet.

“This was uncharacteristic of Marquis,” said Paula Lanius, Sommer’s grandmother.

I don’t know, it seems pretty characteristic of Blacks to me.