Teens Who Use Birth Control Pills are More Than Twice as Likely to be Depressed Later in Life

This could be a chicken-egg type scenario, where girls who are whores are more likely to be depressed.

However, all women are whores, and most teenage girls are put on birth control by their whore mothers.

A lot of this is about women not wanting to experience the troubles of being on their period. Birth control usually stops women from having periods at all. This creates massive endocrine disorders, which are clearly the leading cause of breast cancer, but also cause psychological distress.

It’s another Big Pharma scam, basically.

New York Post:

Women taking oral contraceptive pills may have an increased risk of depression — especially shortly after starting on the pill.

That’s one of the findings from a large study of more than 264,000 women, which also finds that teenage girls are at the highest risk.

In fact, women who were teenagers when they began to use birth control pills had a 130% higher rate of depression.

The increased rate among adult users was 92%, according to the study authors.

There are multiple campaigns across all of the formerly-civilized world to give this stuff out like candy

“The powerful influence of contraceptive pills on teenagers can be ascribed to the hormonal changes caused by puberty,” Therese Johansson, of the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology at Uppsala University in Sweden, said in a news release.

“As women in that age group have already experienced substantial hormonal changes, they can be more receptive not only to hormonal changes but also to other life experiences,” Johansson added.

This new study, published in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, adds to previous research that found a link between oral contraceptive use and depression.

A 2016 report in JAMA Psychiatry revealed that the use of hormonal contraceptives was often linked to a subsequent use of prescription antidepressants or a diagnosis of depression.

And in 2019, another study found that 16-year-old girls taking oral contraceptives reported more crying, sleep irregularities and eating problems than teenage girls of the same age who didn’t use oral contraceptives.

The latest study used data from the UK Biobank, a biomedical database with genetic and health information from more than half a million participants across the UK.

The researchers studied combination contraceptive pills, which contain progestogen, a compound resembling the hormone progesterone, and estrogen.

The study revealed that the increase in rates of depression declined when women continued using contraceptive pills after the first two years.

But teenage users of contraceptive pills still had an increased rate of depression even after they stopped using the pill. That effect was not seen in adult users of the pill.

Yes, the damage to your hormonal system is permanent.

It’s similar to when men do steroids. Recovery is very difficult, and you’ll never be back to 100% if you’ve taken them for an extended period.

The article goes on to falsely claim that “most women” will never “experience adverse side effects.”

News articles like this, and often or usually the studies themselves, are designed to “get out in front” of issues that people are already talking about. For example, with the so-called “coronavirus vaccine,” everyone was talking about heart problems associated with it, so they came out and said “yes, there are sometimes heart problems, but it’s very rare and you really have nothing to worry about.”

Birth control is never safe, under any circumstances, and it should be banned. If these sluts want to guzzle cock, they should be forced to deal with the consequences.