The Atlantic Meets in a Synagogue to Discuss How to Destroy the Alt-Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2017

Jews once again becoming a parody of themselves.

Here is Jeffery Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, in a synagogue discussing how to bring down the Alt-Right.

(From left to right)
Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor in Chief, The Atlantic
Graeme Wood, National Correspondent, The Atlantic
Rosie Gray, White House Correspondent, The Atlantic

Nationalism has taken on a new voice in American politics. And it’s growing in allies around the world. The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood — author of “His Kampf,” an article in The Atlantic’s June issue about Richard Spencer, leader of the alt-right movement, who happens to be Graeme’s high school classmate — White House Correspondent Rosie Gray and Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg discuss the future of the movement in the era of Trump and what it means for our country, our allies and our democracy going forward.

Here is the Red Ice analysis of the clip (which may be more interesting for the less interested).

They met literally in a synagogue.

Wow just wow I can’t even.

It’s like they’re not even trying to appear as anything other than a Julius Streicher caricature at this point.

The Atlantic: The Terrorist Arm of the ADL

The Atlantic has become an ADL HQ, hiring ADL Jewish Council member Julia Ioffe after she was fired from GQ for tweeting that Trump is “fucking his daughter.”

These people have been harassing and trying to frame me. Julian faked an email from me some months back.

The Atlantic has also (apparently) given credentials to a certain Danny Boy named Luke O’Brien, who has spent over six months harassing and threatening my family members, high school friends and associates of family members, ostensibly trying to dig up dirt for a hit piece based on my allegedly troubled childhood.

Luke O’Brien infamously hoaxed communications with the FBI in emails with me to try and intimidate me while he was working on a story for Huffington Post. This clearly breached journalistic ethics, and was almost certainly also illegal.

So because I published that, he developed a personal vendetta (instead of just offering to pay me to take it down, which is what a normal person would have done), and so he’s working for a hit team.

At this point, I have five people willing to go on the record saying they were threatened by him. What he does is call up people who know me and threaten to defame them in The Atlantic if they don’t give him information on me – “if you won’t talk to me, then you become part of the story” is the line I’ve heard from everyone. He even sent it in texts to a high school friend, which I have screenshots of, as well as the metadata from the phone, proving that it came from his registered number.

You would also have to wonder what the purpose of publishing a “this guy had troubled teen years” article about a Nazi actually is. I’ve been open about that, and I think it’s something most millennials can relate to. If he did find some deep dark secret of mine that I’ve forgotten I have, no one would believe it anyway, given the credibility level of the media. So it can’t be to shame me in front of my own supporters.

And if anything, writing about the troubled teen years of a Neo-Nazi simply humanizes me to a wider audience.

I think it is The Atlantic also unlikely that The Atlantic would be willing to print something so tacky as hit piece journalism on someone’s troubled teen years like “oooooohhhh can you believe this guy got caught with cocaine when he was 19???”

In the Huffington Post piece he accused me of living in a bunker in Berlin, and now he is trying to frame me as living in Russia as a fake news agent.

All of this is to say, I don’t think there is any chance the article is getting printed at all. At least not in The Atlantic. There are too many legal issues, after all of the threats he’s made which I have some hard documentation of in and other cases witnesses willing to go on the record about. A lot of the people I went to school with who talked to him about what a bad boy I was are also likely to respond negatively if they get called out for this (yes, Mr. O’Brien and yes, Mr. Goldberg, I know who they are, I know where they live and I know what they are saying about me, and I have a very real team of very real lawyers that will be contacting them, you and The Atlantic in the event that “unidentified sources say” information about me is published).

O’Brien has led an ongoing campaign of harassment and threats, it is meant to intimidate, not to produce journalism. That is where we are at with this fake news establishment.

Here’s Luke O’Brien.

He’s a fat, loser-type guy.

If you see him at a rally, send him my greetings.

This is a War

We are presently at war with the media.

Just as Donald Trump is.

And this goes beyond a propaganda war. These people are operating as intimidation and harassment agents. They are forming councils and think tanks and having meetings in synagogues to try and plan our destruction.

That is how close to the wall their backs are.

I am proud to announce, however, that we are holding all the cards.