The Daily Traditionalist: The First Seven Days

Radio Aryan
January 26, 2017

Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach for Thursday’s edition of The Daily Traditionalist to discuss Trump’s first week in office. He has performed better than was expected and there are no complaints so far, he has started the wall project, banned refugees from the worst Moslem countries and laid out his plans to withdraw funding from sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce the law. On top of that, he has gone one step further and is insisting that we get a weekly report of all immigrant crime that takes place there. If the cities concerned that are harbouring illegal aliens had White people in them, this is all that would be needed to get the Mayor kicked out, but since they are full of Non-Whites, we may even see other foreigners moving to those cities, which could eventually lead to them seceding.

The antifa terrorists who tried rioting in DC look likely to be receiving ten year sentences, Shia LeBeouf has been arrested and when the Leftist clowns started trying to hold up a freeway they were all arrested to loud cheers from the bystanders. All of this is of benefit to White people, without Trump ever even explicitly mentioning us. He has picked a cabinet for the high intelligence and ability shown by them, not because of their race or gender and of course, this means they are mainly White men. He has banned foreigners entering the country from terrorist hotspots and of course, this means Non-Whites are banned. There is nothing he has done so far to raise alarm and some of what he has done is very clever, such as cornering the Mexican president into refusing a visit to discuss how the wall will be paid for. This means the Mexican president will now be blamed when it comes out of remittances and tariffs, as he declined the opportunity to have a say in it.

All in all a very good first seven days and it is wonderful to see America finally stepping up to her God given role of setting a good example to the rest of the White race.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach and Sven Longshanks

The Daily Traditionalist: The First Seven Days – DT 012617

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