The Dawn of the SPACE FORCE

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2018


Wall Street Journal:

President Donald Trump’s call this week for a separate U.S. “space force” was the culmination of months of frustration over what he felt was a lack of Pentagon action on his initial suggestions about the topic, according to people familiar with the decision.

The announcement on Monday—which surprised many military officials, senior aerospace industry executives and lawmakers—went against well-known opposition by Pentagon leaders to the idea of establishing a new branch of the U.S. armed forces.

The week before, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and the service’s senior commanders gathered for a strategy session in Dayton, Ohio, but none had an inkling about Mr. Trump’s impending announcement on Monday, according to one of these people, who attended the sessions.

The evolution of Mr. Trump’s idea of a space force, the people familiar with the issue said, reflects his management style. He occasionally offers seemingly ad hoc ideas in public, but at some point expects aides and cabinet officials to follow up with specific implementation plans.

If Mr. Trump feels appointees are dragging their feet, he may suddenly demand action, sometimes in a dramatic and public fashion. That was the case with the space force.

“He doesn’t forget, and ultimately erupts when he feels slighted,” according to one former high-level industry and government official close to the Trump administration. White House officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Yeah, whatever.

I could give a shit about your amateur psychoanalysis.

What I want to know about is the SPACE FORCE.

Which sadly, no one knows anything about, because it isn’t a thing yet – Trump had to just announce it himself because no one was doing anything to make it happen.

Now it’s going to happen.

We need to be prepared to meet all threats from space. Possibly the Chinese, but more likely, space aliens.

The fact that we do not yet have a SPACE FORCE simply demonstrates the disgusting direction that this country has been going in since the 1960s.

Instead of building space weapons and colonizing space, preparing to confront aliens, we have instead focused on man-on-man anal sodomy, forcing incompetent women into adult jobs, importing and feeding tens of millions of worthless brown people, etc. With all of those projects underway and getting stale, we moved on to the trannies.

This entire time, we could have been spending our human capital, our spiritual energy, on a massive space program to conquer the stars.

Plus all the robots and crap that would necessarily go along with that.

Who knows what Trump will or won’t get done in the real world, but what he is doing and will continue to do is put out the ideas that we need out there.

The fact that we are talking about these little rat-monkey children crying because they can’t get free welfare forever instead of talking about the next planet to colonize is absolutely fucking insane.

There is no reason that this is the reality we should be living in.

It is the fault of Jews. They brought this onto us. They created this world.

And it is time for us to create our own world.

And before we can do that, we have to have a vision of what that world will look like. Just like a sculptor looks at a piece of stone and has a vision of what he could carve from it.

We will create a SPACE FORCE.

We will conquer the stars.

We will rule the galaxy.