The Easiest Way to be Elected in America? Be a Deranged Pervert

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2019

The Tranny Occupational Government (TOG) is finally here.

Did you enjoy being ruled by Jews, goyim?


I’ve got good news, then.

We’re trying something completely different.

From now on, the goyim will be ruled by trannies and other assorted freaks. Aren’t you excited already?

NBC News:

The “rainbow wave” of the 2018 elections continued Tuesday, with 99 of 200 known LGBTQ candidates winning their races — including a number of successes in historically conservative states such as Virginia and Kentucky.

The Victory Fund, a group that trains, supports and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer candidates who are pro-choice, said 80 of its 111 endorsed candidates emerged victorious Tuesday. So far in 2019, the organization found 144 LGBTQ contenders won in 382 races, for an overall victory rate of 38 percent.

LGBTQ men ran in much higher numbers than their women counterparts, though queer women had a higher success rate, 46 percent to 37 percent, according to Victory’s election tracker. Trans women specifically — who won in state races in Virginia, Utah, Massachusetts and Iowa — had a success rate at 56 percent. The vast majority of LGBTQ candidates (83 percent) ran as Democrats, with just 2.4 percent running as Republicans. LGBTQ Democrats had a success of 40 percent, compared to 33 percent for their GOP counterparts.

That’s right. These weird perverts are even running as ostensibly “conservative” voices – and getting elected by the retarded NPC republican masses.

This is sickening.

But more importantly, the media is reporting without batting an eyelash that there’s organizations openly conspiring to fill up the entire government with anal fetishists and men who cut off their penises.

“Gentlemen, our plan to fill congress with faggots is going as planned.”

And then we’re accused of being paranoid when we claim that the homos are taking control of America.

Among Tuesday’s noteworthy winners were twice-elected transgender state Rep. Danica Roem, gay, black Muslim school board member N.J. Akbar, and the new LGBTQ members of the Indianapolis City Council.

Akbar, who won a seat on the Akron Board of Education in Ohio, became one of the first gay, Muslim, African Americans ever elected to any office in the U.S., according to the Victory Fund.

In Virginia, State Delegate Danica Roem, the first openly trans person elected to statewide office, won a second term. In 2017, Roem ran on expanding Medicaid to her constituents and fixing the traffic-clogged Route 28 in Manassas.

The Indianapolis City Council tripled its number of LGBTQ representatives by re-electing Zach Adamson and newly electing Alison Brown and Keith Potts. Brown is the first out LGBTQ woman elected to that body.

I’m suddenly reminded of the movie “Idiocracy.”

I used to think Idiocracy was a dark vision of the “worst case scenario” kind of future for America – and mankind.

But I have to revise that impression. It’s actually an optimistic portrayal of our future.

The reality will be much, much darker.

Instead of being reduced to a gaggle of idiots being led by idiots, we’ll be idiots led by mongrel sexual perverts.

We’re already halfway there, too.

The media is openly celebrating the fact that running as an open homosexual is now something of an optimal strategy. Presumably, all these perverts were getting massive amounts of institutional support for their campaigns, as well as invariably positive media coverage in order to propel them to the top of the polls in their respective areas.

The message is clear: if you dare to run on a traditional conservative platform, the parties’ establishment and the mainstream media will do their best to sink your campaign – don’t even try.

On the other hand, “the people” aren’t choosing, necessarily, to vote for these perverts. Most people – especially republicans – were probably not even really aware that these candidates were anal enthusiasts, and just voted for whoever was on TV the most during campaign season or whatever for their respective parties.

But make no mistake, all these people will insidiously push for all sorts of policies to poz up their jurisdiction with pro-faggotry ideology. And that’s going to make a lot of people very, very angry.