The Jew Factor in the Smearing of Spain

Diversity Macht Frei
May 8, 2019

Spanish intellectuals have long complained of what they call the “Black Legend” of Spain in the English-speaking world, an image of the country centred on the Inquisition, complete with fanatic priests and primitive superstitious people.

book on this topic, written by Esteban Vicente Boisseau, has just been published in Spain (interestingly, by the Ministry of Defence).

In The Image of Spain in America (1492-1898) in British and American Cinema Boisseau claims that the Pirates of the Caribbean films make killing Spaniards look like sport. “The message transmitted in Pirates of the Caribbean is that to rob and kill Spaniards, abuse Spanish women and sack [cities] is not only justified but fun,” Boisseau told El País.

Boisseau claims Elizabeth: The Golden Age, the 2007 film starring Cate Blanchett, distorts the English victory over the Armada in 1588 by showing Sir Walter Raleigh dispatching fire ships to destroy much of Philip II’s invasion fleet.

Boisseau notes that in 1492: The Conquest of Paradise, the 1992 thriller with Sigourney Weaver, Spain is the grip of the Inquisition where heretics are constantly executed. In reality only 3,000 people were executed while Henry VIII killed 50,000 Catholics, he claims.


The book generally attributes this besmirching of Spain’s reputation to Protestant-Catholic rivalry. There’s some truth to this, undoubtedly. What it leaves out, however, is the Jew factor.

One of the distinctive contributions Jews make to world civilisation is to vilify the historical memory of the countries they once lived in. Hence all the nonsense about Russia and Putin that seems to fill so much of the Establishment press. But before the Jews hated Russia, they hated Spain. Because the Spanish kicked them out in 1492. (Catherine I of Russia ordered the Jews expelled in 1727 but it doesn’t seem to have been effective.)

It is partly thanks to the Jews that our image of the Spanish Inquisition is that of crazed fanatics hunting down thought crimes. In fact, it was an institution set up to deal with the problem of Jewish infiltration. Jews had notionally converted to Christianity and were infiltrating the power structure of the country, including that of the Church itself, corrupting it from within. That is why the Inquisition was needed.

Look at the Jewish involvement in the anti-Spanish films mentioned in the article:

Pirates of the Caribbean – Jewish Director (Gore Verbinski)

Elizabeth and Elizabeth: the Golden Age – Jewish writer (Michael Hirst) (also incidentally the showrunner for Vikings for those of you who get your Aryan fix from that)

1492 (one of Ridley Scott’s worst films) – written by Rose Bosch, who claims not to be a Jew but admits her male partner is one, also wrote La Rafle about a round-up of Jews in WW2 France

It’s also curious, in a way, that there have never been any Hollywood epics about Isabella, Queen of Castile. In an age when feminist ideologues, in a desperate attempt to prove women have always been equal to men (just didn’t get the recognition), trawl through all of history, dredging up the most feeble candidates for greatness, presenting 10th rate poetesses as if they were hidden Miltons, the question is begged: why hasn’t Isabella become a feminist icon?

She is the most obviously great female leader in the history of the western world. She took a fractured set of princedoms and made it into a nation, brought the Muslim occupation of Spain to an end after centuries, financed the discovery of the Americas that would change the destiny of Spain and the world, bringing in wealth that would ultimately allow Spain to successfully challenge the Ottoman empire at the peak of its power, as it threatened to penetrate into western Europe in the course 16th century. (We will never now know how different the history of the western world might have been had Spain not been able to use the wealth of the Americas to arm Christendom against the Turks.) Isabella did all this, moreover, while maintaining a normal family life with her husband and producing lots of children, not remaining a frigid “Virgin Queen”. Nor was the war-making something she remained aloof from. She was vitally involved in the whole drama of war, encouraging the men, organising the logistics, personally making a study of developments in artillery so she could bring the latest technology to bear against the Muslims. Her arrival at the Siege of Malaga is credited with turning the tide of the battle by demoralising the Muslims troops and inspiring her own.

Why, then, is she ignored by feminists and Hollywood? Because she defeated the Muslims and expelled the Jews, and was a sincere and committed Christian. That doesn’t suit their agenda. There have also been efforts underway to have her canonised. Jews have previously indicated that they will furiously lobby against this. They wouldn’t want to make a film to bolster her case for sainthood.

The truth is that Jews have been enraged against Spain ever since they were rightly expelled from it. They still have fond, mostly fictional, memories of their “golden age” under Muslim rule in Sefarad (Spain). After their expulsion, Jews worked with the Ottomans against Christendom. They helped Muslim pirates in North Africa plan their raids on Spain. They wanted revenge then and they still do. A Jew never forgets. And we shouldn’t either.