The Leader Addresses Hillary Clinton’s War on the Police

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 17, 2016

While one of the only good things Bill Clinton did was strengthen the authority of police in dealing with Black criminals, his Seizure Wife is aggressively waging a war against them.

This system she promotes, where there is no freedom but there is also no order, has been dubbed “anarcho-tyranny.” I think someone at VDARE came up with that term.

The Hill:

“Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners, she is against the police, believe me. You know it and I know it, and guess what? She knows it,” Trump said during his rally in West Bend, Wis.

Trump alleged that a narrative that police officers are a racist force in society had received a “nod” by Clinton, spouting off shooting statistics in President Obama’s hometown of Chicago.

Trump said 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year and almost 4,000 people killed in Obama’s hometown area since the beginning of his presidency.

“The war on our police must end and it must end now,” Trump declared.

Trump claimed Clinton would “rather protect the offender than the victim,” claiming she represented “another generation of poverty, high crime and lost opportunities.”

“I care too much about my country to let this happen,” Trump stated.

Trump spoke in West Bend, about 45 minutes north of Milwaukee, which has seen days of escalating racial tension following the fatal police-involved shooting of an African-American man who authorities say was armed.

“The violence, riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is an assault on the right on all citizens to live in security and to to live in peace,” Trump said.

“Law and order must be restored,” he continued. “It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially for those living in the affected community.”


US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said initial evidence suggests the shooting of a black man by police in Milwaukee was justified.

The killing of Sylville Smith in a predominantly African-American part of the city on Saturday led to protests.

“We have to obey the laws or we don’t have a country,” Mr Trump told Fox News after visiting police in the city. He later addressed a rally there.

“The gun was pointed at his [a police officer’s] head supposedly ready to be fired,” said Mr Trump, the Republican presidential candidate.

“Who can have a problem with that? That’s what the narrative is. Maybe it’s not true. If it is true, people shouldn’t be rioting.”

I can guarantee you that when Trump is President, you’re not going to be seeing what you’re seeing in Milwaukee now.

This situation was created entirely by Barack Obama, and it was created on purpose.

Four years ago, he went up there and said that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin – a Black man who attempted to murder a kindly Hispanic gentleman.


Barack Obama has organized a war on the fabric of our society, purely out of a vitriolic hatred for the White race. And yes, of course he has done so with the blessing of the Jews, but as an individual human being, aside from the Jew agenda, he has enjoyed this.

A strong White male is the only thing that can fix the damage done.

America needs Donald Trump.