The Logical Conclusion: Georgia Woman Marries Herself

The only person a woman will ever truly love is herself.

I’m surprised we don’t see more of this.

Daily Mail:

A woman who ‘married’ herself in a commitment ceremony attended by friends and family divided viewers when she appeared on This Morning.

Meg Taylor Morrison, 35, a life and business coach from Atlanta, Georgia, explained she ‘married’ herself as a symbol of ‘self-love’ after splitting from her fiancé four months before their planned October 2020 wedding.

She decided to keep parts of the ceremony in place – only she said her vows in a mirror and kissed her reflection instead of wedding someone else.

The ceremony was attended by ten of Meg’s closest friends and family in an Airbnb in Boulder, Colorado, with all guests adhering to strict COVID-19 guidelines.

The 35-year-old explained the ‘biggest gift’ that she gave herself during the wedding was surrendering control of how the ceremony would go. She said lots of things didn’t go as planned but she was able to relax and have a wonderful day.

Meg added: ‘I put the ring on my own finger. It was a ring my mom purchased for me when she found out I was looking for a ring.

‘It was a great time for me to share one – that my mom had picked it out and sometimes self love means letting others take care of you.

‘It’s not that you have to do it on your own or by yourself, it can be a true community experience.

So I put it on my own finger, I said my vows to myself and then I gave myself a big smooch in the mirror.’

Meg revealed she hasn’t been on her honeymoon yet because of the pandemic, adding: ‘I’m hoping to take myself somewhere special after this is over.’

No man can ever make a woman happy, they always want more and more, because all women believe they are the center of the universe.

But yeah – it’s hard to “find love” when you’re 35 and you’ve spent your fertile years having sex with different men, doing “live-in” relationships for a few months or years here and there, and having abortions. Your fertility is the only thing about you that has value. You are not smart, you are not interesting, and you are generally miserable to be around.

The perfect man doesn’t exist, and “love” is a dopamine release you get to drive you to have sex and reproduce. That “love” doesn’t last, because once you’ve had sex enough times, you should be pregnant, and it should have served its purpose. If you continue to seek this high, you will end up in your thirties, alone, with no more high-quality or even medium-quality men willing to do this “love” ritual with you.

The sad part is that women are purely solipsistic. It is hardwired into their basic psychology. If they are not directly controlled by men, and restricted by law and social shaming, they will push their adventures to the limits. And the limit is always when they get to their late twenties and men simply don’t have time to mess with them, because they are no longer desirable.

I hope these millennial old maids will enjoy their loneliness. Of course they won’t. And of course I don’t hope they will.

You get what you fucking deserve.