The Problem Isn’t That Blacks are Pushing German Kids in Front of Trains. The Problem is People Hating It When That Happens.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2019

A little German boy was brutally murdered by being pushed in front of a train by a Black African in Frankfurt this week.

The biggest concern for Germans is that this will lead to hatred of the man who committed the murder, who, Germans believe, is a sweet goodboy.

The Local:

Hundreds of people gathered outside Frankfurt’s main station on Tuesday to pay tribute to the eight-year-old boy who died after being pushed under a train, amid rising tensions in Germany.

There was a deeply sad atmosphere with some tension as a group of around 400 people – including about 50 far-right demonstrators – attended the vigil for the youngster at 6.30pm, reported German media on Wednesday.

Representatives of the Catholic and Protestant congregations in Frankfurt took part in the service – as well as railway station employees and members of the Eritrean community.

Frankfurt station’s mission had invited people to pray together a day after the shocking attack on platform seven. On Monday morning shortly before 10am, a mother and her son were pushed in front of an ICE high speed train as it was arriving at the station.

The mother was able to save herself by rolling onto a footpath between the tracks and was treated for shock. Her son was hit by the train and died at the scene.

The 40-year-old suspected perpetrator, an Eritrean-born father-of-three who lives in Switzerland, is also accused of trying to push another 78-year-old woman in front of the train but she managed to stop herself from falling onto the tracks.

German prosecutors have laid murder and attempted murder charges against the man over the attack that left eye-witnesses in need of trauma counselling and shocked the nation.

Shortly after the crime, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party quickly seized on the crime to once more criticize what it regards as the flawed immigration policies of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government.

“The hideousness of this act can hardly be surpassed,” wrote the party’s Alice Weidel on Twitter, demanding that the government “finally start to protect the citizens of this country”.

Many people have taken to social media to repeat this sentiment. However, others slammed the AfD for using the incident for its own political gain.

Police separated the two groups of mourners outside Frankfurt station. “You’re just exploiting the case,” some people called out to the far-right group, reported Spiegel’s Felix Bohr.

I’m so sick of this “exploiting the case” bullshit.

Everyone “exploits” everything. Because when something happens, something has happened.

Leftists claimed without any evidence that the half-Iranian Gilroy Garlic Gunman was a WHITE SUPREMACIST, then some old bitch said that there was an immediate need to crack down on all White men in response. These things actually ARE exploitation, because they are just lying. If they actually cared about the victims, they would want to put out an accurate narrative.

Right-wingers who talk about nonwhite crime are simply pointing out the practical reality that nonwhites are constantly committing brutal murders and if they weren’t in our country they wouldn’t happen.

It was only when Carsten Baumann, the head of the Bahnhofsmission (station mission), began his service that the situation in the square in front of Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof calmed down. Baumann stood together with other pastors in front of a makeshift altar.

Baumann said that a glance at social media shows what happened on Monday has divided society.

But one must not allow “hatred to spread”, he said. All thoughts should be with the parents, who “have lost everything”.

Yeah, it always has to be “hatred.”

Again: what about the practical concern? Clearly, it is better to not have children being thrown on train tracks and smashed up, so doing things to stop that from happening IS a practical matter. It does not have to involve the emotion of “hatred,” and the reason it often does involve the emotion of hatred is that the matter will not be addressed.

Saying that people are allowed to come into your country and kill your kids and if you complain, you’re evil, is what breeds hatred.

But just take a minute and stand in awe of the fact that during the remembrance ceremony for a little boy who was brutally murdered, the priest decided the important thing was to focus on the evil of people who are angry about it.

People have been laying flowers, cuddly toys, notes and candles on platform seven in memory of the youngster. On the square in front of the station, some people cried.

For many in Germany, the crime has caused feeling of helplessness. The motive of the perpetrator is still unclear.


They’re hitting all the weak, forced memes.

Let’s see, what could the motive be…?

Well, either he did it because he hates White people, or he did it for no reason at all.

It was probably a revenge attack for the Eritrean killed earlier this month.

The public prosecutor’s office has no evidence that the accused was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the crime. The Swiss authorities believe the suspect may have a psychiatric disorder.

“We have to endure the ignorance,” said Baumann. “We can only stand by the side of the boy and his family.”

There were then prayers for the station employees and helpers who face difficulty in coping with what they experienced on Monday.

A member of the Eritrean community then prayed for peace in the city. Baumann then called for a minute’s silence.

And there you have it.

A representative of the attacking tribe is brought in to mock the dead boy’s death.

Because of course.

We are going to be in a race war in no time, lads.