The Trump Effect: Donald Inspires New Generation of Shitlord Studs

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2018

While I don’t think that everyone would agree with this statement, I seriously recommend not banging your college classmates.

I made that decision because I was afraid of false rape accusations, the whole White guy witch-hunt going on at the time, and because I had a casual acquaintance in my drinking circle who was dating a girl for two years. One day, she died her hair green, went vegan and claimed that he was raping her for a year. He didn’t put up a fight, and he got kicked right out. Then she tried to sleep with me.

I, to my eternal credit, refused. Not because I really cared about the guy… I just didn’t want this bitch to ruin my life.

Anyways, as a point of strategy, I refused to mac on the girls in my college… I instead started hitting on girls from the neighboring university with much better results. The exotic factor, plus the fact that I could fake having higher status than I did really helped me punch above my weight. Plus, I just felt safer doing so and the peace of mind helped a lot.

The patented Roy Strategy could be a plausible workaround for lots of young men trying to get laid in college. Worth considering. Better you don’t end up like this guy:


A University of Lincoln student allegedly raped two women and quoted US President Donald Trump’s infamous “grab her by the p***y” comment before assaulting one of them, a court heard. The complainant said he thought it “funny.”

It is. It is funny. We are waging a war against the humorless as much as we are waging a war against the Jews.

Never forget that.

Hugo Penfold, 21, who denies both counts of rape, was said to have made the comment to one of the complainants before grabbing her crotch on top of her clothes.

The woman, a fellow student of Penfolds who was 18 at the time, claims she was raped at her flat in March 2017. She told Lincoln Crown Court the defendant, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, had used Trump’s words before he “grabbed my vagina. He touched me on the outside of my clothes. 

That’s not a “rape,” that’s a grope. Call it for what it is, at the very least.

The farce continues:

“He found it funny. I said that it wasn’t funny and asked him to leave.”

She said the alleged rape occurred after the two had been on a night out together. She claimed she had drunk a lot but was not “out of control drunk” and had made it clear she did not consent to them having sex.

She described how on her return from the night out Penfold had messaged her asking if he could visit, to which she agreed.

They then started watching a Netflix show together when, according to the prosecution, he told her to take off her jeans as she would be more comfortable. As the night continued he got on top of her, removed her underwear and starting having sex with her despite her imploring him to stop, the court heard.

When cross-examined, the alleged victim admitted the two had previously slept together.

“We were both very drunk. We started doing it. It was consensual. I asked him to stop and he did,” she told the jury. 

Seems like this slut was putting up some last minute token resistance that this Chad correctly interpreted as being one last final shit-test before he and her were about to get it on.

He barrelled through the LMR like Trump barrelled his way into the White House.

Truly, this is the worst scandal to hit the Trump presidency as of yet. It makes Russiagate pale in comparison.

Trump literally reached across the pond to rape this brave, empowered wymmon. This is what Hate Speech does. Why the fuck is this still being allowed to happen? When will the mass arrests of Trump supporters begin??

There’s blood…and pussy juice on both Trump and his acolyte, Hugo’s hands.