Three Women Punched and Robbed by Young Black Male Suspects

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 31, 2018

Do you remember a time when a group of teenage White males randomly punched and robbed women?

Neither do I.

Fox News:

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating three separate instances in south city in which the perpetrators punched and robbed women. In one instance, a suspect pointed a gun at an elderly victim.

One of the victims said she’s angry, adding she didn’t deserve to be attacked. Nor did she expect something like that to happen in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

According to police, the robbery occurred Saturday, January 20, just before 2:10 p.m., in the 4600 block of Louisiana Avenue.

“I got my passenger door open, trying to get stuff out, and I get a tap on the back, and I turn around and automatically got punched in the face,” she said.

The woman said there were two men between 17 and 20 years of age, who may have been hiding behind a car parked nearby.