Tim Wise Says Jesus is a Symbol of White Supremacy

Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014

You might have seen this video before, but here it is again as a Christmas-time reminder of what Jews think of Christ and Christians: the Jew Tim Wise first claims that Jesus was “a man of color” (there is no evidence for this claim, and being as he was from Galilee, it makes no basic historical sense either, as that town was 90 plus percent White at the time), then claims that White Jesus is a racist symbol.

Looks White to me, Tim.
Looks White to me, Tim.

This is how nutty these people are – our entire history is evil, according to their doctrine.  And yet they indulge in all of the things we’ve created.  If it were not for Whites, all of the world would still be living in mud or bamboo huts or buckskin tents, except the East Asians, who would be living in brick farm houses.

The implication is apparently that if Whites wouldn’t have invented everything, Negroes would have done it.  But that implication is never directly stated, due to how obviously retarded it is.