Tom Petty, Harley-Davidson Join War Against the Confederate Flag

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2015

Tom Petty and Harley-Davidson are the latest to join the incomprehensibly bizarre war against the Confederate Battle Flag.


Petty feels no need to defend his own past use of Confederate imagery.

“I wish I had given it more thought,” Petty said. “It was a downright stupid thing to do.”

In 1985, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers released an album titled Southern Accents, which featured a song from the perspective of a southerner who “still blames the North for the discomfort in his life.”

“So my thought was the best way to illustrate this character was to use the Confederate flag,” Petty explained. “I used it onstage during that song, and I regretted it pretty quickly.”

Seems pretty petty, Tom.

You should have had the foresight to know that a mass murderer was going to be used by the media to redefine the meaning of the flag.

Cyril Huze Post:

Harley-Davidson will no more license products featuring the Confederate flag. The Confederate battle flag has always been a polarizing issue. According to a recent CNN/ORC poll, U.S. public opinion 57% of Americans see it as a symbol of Southern pride and not aa a statement of racism.

But that all changed last month when a white gunman, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, killed nine African-American worshipers in a Charleston church. After the massacre, photos quickly surfaced of Roof holding the battle flag, which he revered as a symbol of white supremacy.

Yes. Good job. Let the deranged mass-murderer determine the meaning of things for society.

Great stratagem.


Meanwhile, however, Kid Rock has told people who don’t like his use of the flag to “kiss his ass.”

So of course, given that Kid Rock is refusing to move with progress and is instead holding fast to an ancient cultural norm from six weeks ago that is now considered completely barbaric by modern people, activists are trying to shut down his funding.

Detroit Free Press:

Dissatisfied with an apparent lack of empathy from music super-star Kid Rock, a civil rights group calling on him to renounce the Confederate battle flag is meeting with his tour sponsor: General Motors.

“We will be furthering our call to ask GM to remove their support of funds for Kid Rock’s tour,” said the Rev. Charles Williams II, president of the Michigan Chapter of the National Action Network and pastor of King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit.

General Motors, whose Chevrolet brand is sponsoring Kid Rock’s summer tour, today sent the Free Press a statement confirming the meeting Thursday.

“We have been in touch with Reverend Williams, and representatives from Chevrolet will be meeting with him later this week to better understand his concerns. We need to let some open and constructive dialogue occur as a first step, and we’ll go from there,” according to the statement.

Sometimes, it’s hard to do anything other than laugh.