#Tommywaffen: Tommy Robinson’s Death Squads Take to the Streets!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2019

For once, the British police didn’t have any budget or manpower shortages and was able to deploy what looked to be like hundreds of bobbies and dogs and mounted patrols against Tommy’s supporters.

These are some sick cunts, folks. Imagine going out there into the streets to beat up Britons who are fed up with Moslem rape gangs for a few measly quid at the end of the week.

Sickening stuff on display.


The Tommy Robinson protest in London has turned violent after chairs and bottles were hurled at police officers in the centre of the city.

In one sickening video, chairs and bottles are launched at officers outside an All Bar One.

Officers with batons drawn formed a line as pro-Robinson supporters ran towards them across the front of BBC headquarters.

A can of beer was thrown into the crowd still assembled outside All Souls Church and a bottle of water towards police.

At least one man is being pinned to the ground by officers.

There were running battles going back and forth.

Then Antifa came out to support the cops and to demand that the Fascist government arrest more dissidents.

At one point, a greasy-looking Boomer came out and started actually gloating about how cool it was that the government had arrested Tommy.

He didn’t look like Antifa – he looked like some sort of government employee to be quite honest.

The event appears to have been bigger than anything we have seen so far out of the movement.

There was also a conspicuous absence of Jews and based trannies and reformed Moslems in the Tommy crowd – just good ol’ Britons. It’s almost as if there’s a disconnect between the Zionists running Tommy’s media operation and his rank and file supporters.

Hopefully the divide grows in the coming weeks as the shills continue to get called out and the lads redouble their efforts.