Top Cuck: Libertarian Party Now Shilling for Hillary

Daily Stormer
August 5, 2016


Since when have libertarians been so cucked?

Libertarianism used to carry  a kind of implicit pro-White message; there’s the assumption that if we’re suddenly free to do whatever we want, then we’ll be free to have all-white neighborhoods and we won’t have to subsidize the Blacks and Mexicans.

White men are sick and tired of paying half of their salary for the benefit of foreigners who hate them. They’re also tired of dealing with this Jew bureaucracy, where you have  to ask for permission to do everything.

That’s what is appealing about libertarianism.

But as all the high-T men are moving towards nazism instead, what’s left of libertarianism is the leftist cucks who just want to legalize weed and prostitution, maaan.


Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and his running mate William Weld exposed themselves as shills for Democrat Hillary Clinton during an extensive primetime town hall with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Weld defended Hillary Clinton on her private email scandal and played attack dog on Donald Trump.

Johnson seemed sleepy, but he answered a question at length about THC amounts in marijuana and another from a young man asking about legalized prostitution. Johnson only lightly and perfunctorily criticized Clinton, instead focusing most of his low-energy attacks on Trump. He also revealed a personal gluten allergy and said that he himself would not patronize the services of prostitutes.


What did I tell you about weed and prostitutes?

These two marginal politicians are clearly enjoying the spotlight that the pro-Clinton media are finally giving them in their effort to stop Trump. (Something tells me the folks at CNN have not secretly been reading Reason magazine all these years.)

The Johnson-Weld team seems to think that libertarianism is mostly about admitting as many immigrants to the United States as possible. This is a far cry from Ron Paul’s pro-borders libertarian movement of a few years ago. The libertarian movement has shifted to the progressive globalist Left.

Bill Weld has called Clinton “by and large a good secretary of state,” and Johnson has called her “a wonderful public servant.”


What the hell is wrong with these people?

All is going according to plan. As Nazism rises, all the lesser alternatives are either getting on board or shilling themselves into irrelevance.


It’s fine to be treaded on, as long as it’s by women and ethnic minorities.