TOTALLY REAL: Innocent Islamic Terrorist Attacked by Trump Nazis!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2016


What has happened to our country????

Nazis on the loose just attacking innocent terrorists at random!!!!

I can’t believe that democracy and human rights are dead forever!!!!

Washington Post:

A Muslim student at San Diego State University was robbed and may have had her car stolen Wednesday by two men who made comments about President-elect Donald Trump and Muslims, according to police and university officials, who called the attack a hate crime.

In a separate incident Wednesday, a female student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette claimed to have been beaten, robbed and had her hijab ripped off by two men, one of them wearing a white “Trump” hat, police and university officials said.

The SDSU student was walking to her car about 2:30 p.m. when two men accosted her in the stairwell of a campus parking building and “made comments about President-elect Donald Trump and the Muslim community,” campus police said in a statement. The men grabbed the woman’s purse and backpack, and removed her car keys before fleeing, police said.

The woman, who was not injured, left the area to report the attack, police said. When authorities arrived on the scene, they said, her car was missing.

Police described the suspects as a white male between 20 and 25 years old and a Hispanic male about the same age. Investigators are treating the incident as a hate crime, robbery and vehicle theft.

The SDSU Muslim Student Association said the victim was a Muslim student wearing a hijab and “full Islamic garb.” The group is planning a demonstration next week to protest Trump’s victory, saying his campaign has encouraged discrimination against blacks and Muslims.

“We are calling on all students, faculty, staff, and community members to come and show solidarity with our sister that was attacked and also stand against anti-Blackness, Islamophobia, and all other forms of discrimination that have become increasingly normalized during the campaign and now election of Donald Trump,” the group said on Facebook. “It is time we make it clear that the hate and racism of Donald Trump will not find a home in San Diego.”

University President Elliot Hirshman said in a statement that the victim appeared to have been targeted because of her Muslim faith.


“We condemn this hateful act and urge all members of our community to join us in condemning such hateful acts,” Hirshman said. “Hate crimes are destructive to the spirit of our campus and we urge all members of our community to stand together in rejecting hate.”

Hours earlier, Hirshman sent out a statement calling on members of the university to “ensure fair and equitable treatment of all members of our community” in the wake of the election, the independent student newspaper reported.

This all seems totally real, because I’m totally sure that Trump supporters are violent racist misogynists attacking people at random on the street.

But there just one question I have: why didn’t she report being grabbed by the pussy…?

Surely, if Trump supporters attacked a woman on the street, they would grab her by the pussy… wouldn’t they…?


A student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette fabricated a story that she was attacked and had her hijab rippped off, police said Thursday.

The attack was one of several reported in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory.

In a press release Thursday afternoon, the Lafayette Police Department said that during the course of their investigation into the woman’s complaint, she “admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.

“This incident is no longer under investigation” by the department, the statement said.

Well, that’s a shame.

Because I’m sure all of these other cases of reported attacks on minorities – where there are also no arrests – are completely real.

This woman has discredited all of the completely real attacks, which also have not led to any arrests, by admitting to this hoax.

Seriously Though: Dos and Don’ts

DON’T physically attack Moslems and other immigrants.

Even if it was legal for me to arrange lynch-mobs on this website (it definitely is not), I wouldn’t do it. The fact that they fake these attacks shows that they help their own insane victim narrative. Just like the Jews did with their retarded Holocaust nonsense.

DO confront them on the street and yell at them, tell them to go back. If you’re driving around on the street and see Moslems or Mexicans, roll down the window and scream at them. Tell them to gtfo. A good one is “IT’S OVER – GO HOME!” You can also just yell “DONALD TRUMP!”


We need now do what we’ve been accused of trying to do and create a climate of fear and hate.

We need to make these “people” feel that the walls are closing in on them.

We need to make the environment so uncomfortable for them, that they deport themselves.

They are down now. They are despondent. We need to kick them (figuratively). And keep kicking them (figuratively).

Whites will also see you yelling at them and say to themselves “well, I guess we’re doing this now,” and that will get them ready for and on-board with the coming physical removal.

So many people just go along with whatever is socially acceptable, you know. So we need to drive home the point that open hostility towards invading non-Whites is now the accepted social norm.


If you need any encouragement to scream at these people when you see them, think of this image. This stupid monkey bitch is claiming that she has the same rights to what our ancestors built for us as we do. She is taking what they gave us, she is bragging about it, she is calling us evil for questioning our right to what belongs to us. They all believe this. Think of this, and yell at Moslems on the street.