Traitors Gather at Munich Security Conference to Undermine President Trump!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.

But a lot of traitorous rats do not care, and think they can go around the world and claim that he isn’t.

All of these rats deserve to be renditioned to Guantanamo Bay – they are actively and publicly attempting to undermine the government of this country with dirty tricks and black lies.

Washington Post:

U.S. lawmakers — both Democrats and Republicans — and top national security officials in the Trump administration offered the same advice publicly and privately, often clashing with Trump’s Twitter stream: The United States remains staunchly committed to its European allies, is furious with the Kremlin about election interference and isn’t contemplating a preemptive strike on North Korea to halt its nuclear program.

But Trump himself engaged in a running counterpoint to the message, taking aim on social media at his own national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, because he “forgot” on Saturday to tell the Munich Security Conference that the results of the 2016 election weren’t affected by Russian interference, a conclusion that is not supported by U.S. intelligence agencies. They say they will probably never be able to determine whether the Russian involvement swung the election toward Trump.



Also, WaPo, they have totally said explicitly that these 13 Russian shitposters DID NOT sway the election.

The determination to ignore Trump’s foreign policy tweets has been bipartisan.

“There is a lot more support for continuing our past policies than it might appear from some of the statements,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) told an audience on Sunday that was made up mostly of Europe’s foreign policy elite. “The unanimity comes from those folks who are actually operationalizing policy.”

You see what this is?

These people are saying “Trump is not really the President – it doesn’t matter what he says, we are going to do something different. We are going to continue the policies of George Bush and Barack Obama.”

These people should all be arrested at the airport when they get back! And sent to GUANTANAMO BAY!

“The values are the same, the relationships are the same,” said Rep. Michael R. Turner (R-Ohio). “What you do see is this administration willing to put pressure upon the systems.”

The question of whom they should believe — the president or his advisers — has befuddled European officials. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel confessed Saturday that he didn’t know where to look to understand America.

“Is it deeds? Is it words? Is it tweets?” he asked.

He said he was not sure whether he could recognize the United States.

You’d better not recognize us, you kraut weasel!

You have no idea what is coming next – we might just cut all NATO funding and let Ivan invade you!

We don’t care!

Not our problem!

Away from the glare of television cameras, many European diplomats and policymakers echoed the same concerns. One diplomat, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid provoking Trump, asked whether policymakers like McMaster who adhere largely to traditional U.S. foreign policy positions were falling into the same trap as Germany’s elite during Hitler’s rise, when they continued to serve in government in the name of protecting their nation.

The short answer is: yes.

The long answer is: absolutely.

McMaster is out. He’s fired. We don’t tolerate this sort of thing in Trumpmerica. He is a traitor and a snake and we are having none of it.

Testing those lines, McMaster offered a starkly different view of the world from that of his boss, saying that the “evidence is now incontrovertible” that Russia intervened in the U.S. political system. Trump has downplayed Russian involvement, saying that he believes the reassurances of Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Kremlin was not involved in the election.

And he is out.

No more of this.

No more will fat cats like McMaster the fat Jew-lover undermine THE LEADER.


The assertions that nothing fundamental has changed about Washington’s commitments to the world do seem to have eased some concerns among some allies, particularly regarding the U.S. commitment to defend NATO allies against the threat of Russian aggression.

Good, good… we want you eased.

All the better when the Russian tanks roll into Berlin and you ask Trump where NATO is and he’s just like

In the Baltic nations, which border Russia, Trump’s election had raised concerns about U.S. commitments to NATO. But that doubt is now “gone,” Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid said in an interview, embracing the Pentagon’s stepped-up military commitments to Eastern Europe.

Yeah, guys… just relax… and if Russian tanks roll in, that’s just a prank, so just play along with the joke…

Even hawkish Republicans shrugged on the matter of Trump’s top priorities. While speaking on a panel Friday, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) was cued up by a questioner to attack the “failure” of Europe to spend 2 percent of its economic output on defense — a frequent Trump talking point. Graham demurred.

“I want you to get to 2 percent so Trump will be quiet,” he said before swiftly moving on.

And there you have the homosexual and probable child molester Lindsey yet again undermining the President.

We all think that the Mossad has pictures of Lindsey with little boys.

Trump should see that the public finds out about these. With McCain about to die of a brain tumor, and McMaster and the rest of the employed rats about to get fired, Lindsey is the main threat.

We need the world to know the reason why people work for the Jews. And it isn’t because they just really, really love the evil Jews.